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  1. Phantasmguy

    Oh my god, I FINALLY got to update Steam! Let the RPG making continue!

    Oh my god, I FINALLY got to update Steam! Let the RPG making continue!
  2. Phantasmguy

    I've been running Steam in offline mode for about 4 months now. I can't even log in to use...

    I've been running Steam in offline mode for about 4 months now. I can't even log in to use Offline mode, it just has that issue where it just brings up the prompt to Log In even when I keep clicking the Offline mode option.
  3. Phantasmguy

    I need to be able to bring up Steam in order to access RPGMV. Due to my...current status, I am...

    I need to be able to bring up Steam in order to access RPGMV. Due to my...current status, I am unable to access Steam online from my laptop.
  4. Phantasmguy

    Due to lack of Steam cooperation, I am forced to suspend my RPGMV project and try something...

    Due to lack of Steam cooperation, I am forced to suspend my RPGMV project and try something else: Digital artwork.
  5. Phantasmguy


  6. Phantasmguy

    Note: Sorry for lack of facts, work kills.

    Note: Sorry for lack of facts, work kills.
  7. Phantasmguy

    He now supposedly roams the earth, leading souls away with his lantern.

    He now supposedly roams the earth, leading souls away with his lantern.
  8. Phantasmguy

    Spooky Fact of the Day: Jack O' Lanterns come from Jack, who tricked the devil many times and...

    Spooky Fact of the Day: Jack O' Lanterns come from Jack, who tricked the devil many times and was denied entrance to Heaven and Hell.
  9. Phantasmguy

    Trade ya. Desert weather kills.

    Trade ya. Desert weather kills.
  10. Phantasmguy

    Spooky Fact of the Day: Harry Houdini was a famous death on Halloween. He suffered appendicitis...

    Spooky Fact of the Day: Harry Houdini was a famous death on Halloween. He suffered appendicitis after 3 stomach punches.
  11. Phantasmguy

    Spooky Fact of the Day: Children are twice as likely to be in a pedestrian/car accident on...

    Spooky Fact of the Day: Children are twice as likely to be in a pedestrian/car accident on Halloween. Better watch for them.
  12. Phantasmguy

    110F. Get on my level. :D

    110F. Get on my level. :D
  13. Phantasmguy

    Ask Amy Anything

    What is your favorite/least favorite place to be? Favorite/least favorite foods? Sorry if already asked
  14. Phantasmguy

    You should try Playstation updates...I could go to bed and it would still be updating...

    You should try Playstation updates...I could go to bed and it would still be updating...
  15. Phantasmguy

    Funny thing is...everyone else around me is sick BUT me. Maybe it's my immune system...

    Funny thing is...everyone else around me is sick BUT me. Maybe it's my immune system...
  16. Phantasmguy


  17. Phantasmguy

    Then I may have to just stop them altogether. Thank you for letting me know.

    Then I may have to just stop them altogether. Thank you for letting me know.
  18. Phantasmguy

    Facts will stop until I find the time to calm myself down. I apologize in advance.

    Facts will stop until I find the time to calm myself down. I apologize in advance.
  19. Phantasmguy
  20. Phantasmguy

    Things seem to have calmed down here...okay, I almost died. Like, literally almost died. The...

    Things seem to have calmed down here...okay, I almost died. Like, literally almost died. The news is already all over the internet.