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  1. hbn

    Endings in which the party loses

    I'm just wondering but what is the best way to do this? Without having to go into too much detail but when the party is approaching the final battle, the big bad. The aim here is to have a battle that you control. However story wise I plan to have the party get wiped out and killed off one by...
  2. hbn

    World Map Discussion

    What's this? A bump? XD I have done a map overview of the world as such but the project now doesn't use an ingame world map. Originally when it was conceptualised under a different guise before it evolved into this there was a world map, which typically started off with a village in the...
  3. hbn

    This place has changed since I been here last.

    This place has changed since I been here last.
  4. hbn

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I've been bad and not done anything to it for ages. In fact I've not been here for ages either. I've been mulling over some plot ideas but even that has been slow. Just had an idea for map structures though. I don't have a overworld but rather will have a grid of field maps. Originally they were...
  5. hbn

    Are Random Encounters Good For Games

    If it is balanced enough then I don't think it detracts, but on the otherhand I've played games where I've not had random encounters. Bravely Default and Bravely Second for example, when I'm done grinding I turn them off (it's nice to give you an option like that). I've also played games such as...
  6. hbn

    Well it's been awhile since I've been here. Anyone any tips on how to do stuff instead of just...

    Well it's been awhile since I've been here. Anyone any tips on how to do stuff instead of just wasting time?
  7. hbn

    how far will this amount get me

    Depends on how ambitious you are with your project and how well organised and ran it is. If you don't do your homework and do proper project planning then the money will disappear quicker than you realise. Games can be made for less but they require the creator to have more skills to do stuff...
  8. hbn

    Unfortunately, If some of the .json files in the data folder are damaged though, be prepared to...

    Unfortunately, If some of the .json files in the data folder are damaged though, be prepared to have to deal with some amount of data loss, and you'll have to go through each one to find out which are broken in the editor. Unless you have a backup stored. Hope you find a solution.
  9. hbn

    As long as your plugin files and json files are still intact (like game data), you should be...

    As long as your plugin files and json files are still intact (like game data), you should be able to replace the Game.rpgproject with a one from a new project and have it load the thing. If you're lucky.
  10. hbn

    Damage calculator for my project's damage algorithm sorted out. Now I know why both characters...

    Damage calculator for my project's damage algorithm sorted out. Now I know why both characters have such a discrepancy between their damage
  11. hbn

    Time Engine

    Does it store it with each update or can I store it, change the time for one scene and then restore it from a variable at a later date? Just need to hide it on this map now, since it is technically a title screen (and have to work out how to 'quit to map' instead of quit to a now redundant title...
  12. hbn

    Damage Formulas 101 (MV Edition)

    To do so you'd need a plugin. There is Bobstah's Custom Stat's which I'm using but important note, it doesn't work for initial equips. You add a note tag such as <CustomStat: wepdmg+x> to the note section of your weapon. Add <CustomStat: wepdmg=0> to all your actors page and add a.wepdmg to the...
  13. hbn

    Time Engine

    My help file descriptions cuts short. It ends at the first part of the email address. Doesn't show anything further. Checking the file the information is there, just my MV isn't displaying it. Probably why it had me so confused. Thanks for the help though.
  14. hbn

    Time Engine

    So I've had an idea on how to use this early game but I'm wondering what plugin commands for it are, if they've been implemented yet? Can't find them in the help section. For two maps I need to hide the clock from showing. On a couple maps, early game at least since it's sorta timeline...
  15. hbn

    Tales of the Lumminai Demo - Windows and Mac

    Downloaded it. Unfortunately a bit of an issue already. I picked Boy, become a herald, chose the berserker star sign and the screen remains black. The music is still playing. I can open the menu but looks like someone forgot to change the screen tint :P Seems to be a bit of lag on the splash...
  16. hbn

    Custom Title Screen and menu

    To The Moon I believe uses a map and has the menu evented using pictures. That said I've seen how it's done inside the gubbins so I can't say for certain. At least that's how I've done mine, using the skip title plugin and setting starting location as a map and having the character be invisible...
  17. hbn

    I'd try Shazam but it's something obscure and self-released. It's not like a song, just some...

    I'd try Shazam but it's something obscure and self-released. It's not like a song, just some music someone wrote with the intent of using for some project or other. Licensing is such a pain.
  18. hbn

    Does anyone know a way to identify music? Those apps don't know everything. I've music files...

    Does anyone know a way to identify music? Those apps don't know everything. I've music files with absolutely no metadata whatsoever. -_-
  19. hbn

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Several Yanfly scripts, including a premade notetag for the attack skill to move the characters, even though two of them are slightly bugged and attack facing the wrong way. Modified the light template of MOGHunter's battle hud script. Graphics on that are now mostly my own, minus some template...
  20. hbn

    Mind you I have now got FLStudio, even though it's on it's trialware thing. No idea how to...

    Mind you I have now got FLStudio, even though it's on it's trialware thing. No idea how to arrange tracks in it. I have a keyboard but it's from back when MIDI ports use to be a thing. Not to mention I don't know how to play the thing.