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  1. Rob Lannan

    Restructuring the store to make it more playable....

    Restructuring the store to make it more playable....
  2. Rob Lannan

    Thanks for the help....

    Thanks for the help....
  3. Rob Lannan

    Just about finished with Act I Outline .....

    Just about finished with Act I Outline .....
  4. Rob Lannan

    Working on act I and building resources as I discover the need.

    Working on act I and building resources as I discover the need.
  5. Rob Lannan


    It is fun tool, and you found a good place for assistance of all types. I also Found that Echo607 and Driftwood have some goof youtube videos, of course there are other sources too. Today i found this little nugget to help me with building my plot and acts and stuff called Amazon Studio...
  6. Rob Lannan


    Hello and welcome ... So what kind of RPG games are you in to ?
  7. Rob Lannan

    Music Music Ideas

    Base Rift for my Game (Loop) - and also a Longer Loop called Intentions The Bass rift is for small maps, general travel and just a everyday state. While Intentions is for larger world size maps, suppose to provide a sense of calm and suspense at times. They are a work in Progress but feel...
  8. Rob Lannan


    It also a fun experience, you can make it as simple or as complex as you desire.
  9. Rob Lannan


    You joined a good site for inspiration and ideas. I hope your project goes well and i look forward to hearing about it.
  10. Rob Lannan

    hello there

    Love the art .....
  11. Rob Lannan

    Graphics All Aboard the Icon Train!

    Great work, what did you do them in? If i may ask.
  12. Rob Lannan

    Sprites Star Trek (TNG Movie/DS9) Uniforms

    Nice detail on the uniform, love it. ..... Are you going to try to do the original series too? (Kirk Type)
  13. Rob Lannan

    Tileset Trying to Line up tile resources

    This is some ground resources (Grass, Water, Ice, Dirt, Etc) I am working for my game, nothing as fancy as some of you make, as it was made from some picture, MV, and scraps, etc. Yet my issue is lines appear every once in while on tiles in MV. According to Pixelmator there 48 by 48 and...
  14. Rob Lannan

    Just finished a song called Intention for my game #music

    Just finished a song called Intention for my game #music
  15. Rob Lannan

    Hello and Hails from Missouri

    Nice to see another from the those days, I love AD&D I moved to that edition after the orange-red basic box set (Smiles), also played Cyberpunk, Shadowrun, Gurps, but Gar Gygax was always my favorite designer. In a way RPG, be it computer or pen inspired my career path as a emergency planner...
  16. Rob Lannan

    Today or not Today that is the question - Procrastination Handbook

    Today or not Today that is the question - Procrastination Handbook
  17. Rob Lannan

    Hello and Hails from Missouri

    Good Evening, just joined the site as it seems to have allot of good knowledge about RPGMaker MV. Looking forward to learning as I am working on my game, I am old school gamer back from days of the Atari 100 Computer, Bulletin Board System, and Tabletop. Looking to recreate the charm while...