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Search results

  1. pyn

    Thoughts on MV's character generator? (bonus: show off your creations!)

    What are everyone's thoughts on the new and improved character generator? In my opinion, while it is a marked improvement over Ace's, I found it to be pretty lacking overall, especially when it came to accessories and markings. While I certainly didn't expect them to conveniently have...
  2. pyn

    List of MV Disappointments

    I had a "Base Resource" folder that had 71 bonus songs, then the 8 Cover Character themes, and 14 songs in the Essentials Set. Plus the 18 that came with the game, that's 111. The songs in the Base Resource folder are really throwing me off. Most of them look like they just should have been in...
  3. pyn

    Wize Questions:

    You are 100% allowed to use anything and everything that came with MV in a commercial game. Same goes for RPG Maker DLC such as music or graphics packs: If you buy it, you can use it. EDIT: That is, at least, how it has worked before. I can't imagine it would be different this time, though.
  4. pyn

    List of MV Disappointments

    Did you have the same problem I did, where the Steam copy only gave you 18 songs? Because if you go into the DLC folder there's, like, a LOT more (don't know WHY you had to go digging for it, but, whatever...). Just counted, and with the bonus songs I have 111 songs total.
  5. pyn

    So does MV just not have many songs, or...

    Man. They really want you to work to find your DLC on Mac. But all has come to a happy end! Thanks!
  6. pyn

    So does MV just not have many songs, or...

    I just downloaded my copy on Steam and was hoping to play around with it until I had to go to work. I went to go check out the tunes, but to my surprise there are only 18 songs that come with this? Am I missing some, or is that really it?
  7. pyn

    It's up, and ready to download for those who pre-ordered

    I'd be more mad that Steam hasn't released it yet, but considering I paid for it entirely with gift cards so it was TECHNICALLY free... No. I'm still extremely jealous. I have to work all weekend and tonight would have been my one chance to mess around with it. >.< Enjoy it, you lucky lucky peeps!
  8. pyn

    What Inspires Your Story?

    A lot of my game-making philosophies come from the Star Ocean and Tales of series. Both of those series have an emphasis on building relationships between the characters through private actions and skits, and I was always obsessed with seeing as many of them as possible. Skits are a staple in...
  9. pyn

    Plot: Reapers

    Thanks, it definitely did clear it up. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing this project's development, and hopefully one day a completed game.
  10. pyn

    Plot: Reapers

    I'm really digging this setup. Kind of confused on the overall setting of the game though. It sounds as though the main world it takes place in is devoid of life? Or am I just terribly misreading that?
  11. pyn

    Story and Characters Ideas

    What if, instead of another planet, it was another dimension? Like, something that could be traveled to via magical gate? That way, the world of the dragons remains otherworldly, but it gets around the need for space travel.
  12. pyn

    Story and Characters Ideas

    I like the general idea. My main question is: is the quest for the six pieces of equipment going to be the main focus of the game, or will it be taking place before the game? Or will it be, like, the first half? The initial post is a bit unclear on that. It definitely seems to be the main focus...
  13. pyn

    MV Character Gallery

    These characters look like they were taken straight from the Tales series. Which is good, I feel. My favorites are probably Rob and Akja. I could totally see doing that... And as long as you are putting lots of hard work into the other aspects of the game, I don't really think using the RTP is...
  14. pyn

    YEA or NAY: Romance

    You're welcome! Romantic comedy, no, but my game will be implementing romantic subquests like the ones I described. It's a bit ambitious, but I plan on having an ending for every possible combination of one or two playable characters that you can unlock by doing mini-events, a la Star Ocean 2...
  15. pyn

    YEA or NAY: Romance

    I'm a chronic shipper, so romance is probably one of my favorite aspects of games that I play AND create. The fluffier, the better. That being said, though, I don't like it being a major part of the game's storyline. I like it to be more of a sidequest; your main character and one of their...
  16. pyn

    Do You Have A Story Ready?

    I have the exact same problem. I have a novel that I've been "working on" for about two or three years now, and though I have almost the entire thing figured out, I haven't actually written word one yet. In response to the topic question, I have a very loose idea for a story right now. What...
  17. pyn

    Hello everyone!

    Haha, I WISH I could have experienced that game on SNES. My first exposure to it was in the Chronicles release on PSX with Chrono Trigger, and now I play it on the GBA... and PSP... and the remake on DS... *ahem*
  18. pyn

    Hello everyone!

    Phantasy Star II (my first JRPG ever, back in the days of Genesis) Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger (I could only ever play them at friends' houses as a kid, but thank god for re-releases) Final Fantasies I, 2/4, and 3/6, though that's a franchise I got into way too late (9 was the newest...
  19. pyn

    What's up.

    I agree with the points you make about other forums in your video. Hopefully this community will be better.
  20. pyn

    Hello Everybody, vanburman here.

    You've got yourself a new subscriber. I never used VXAce but I can definitely tell your tutorials will be very helpful.