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  1. DBZGT1818

    Took a long break from making my game, time to get back to it.

    Took a long break from making my game, time to get back to it.
  2. DBZGT1818

    Man coming up with names for weapons are hard.

    Man coming up with names for weapons are hard.
  3. DBZGT1818

    So many Plugins to chose from.

    So many Plugins to chose from.
  4. DBZGT1818

    Happy B-Day, man. :)

    Happy B-Day, man. :)
  5. DBZGT1818

    Scifi Resources

    Yes! Tile Sets, Characters, some pre made maps, and etc. Petty much everything under the sun that can be helpful to make a star ship(s) and more. :)
  6. DBZGT1818

    Scifi Resources

    Could someone point me to, some more Scifi Resources. Or someone who can make them. Or the tools needed to make my own. Thanks :)
  7. DBZGT1818

    Star Wars and Star Trek I like both. :)

    Star Wars and Star Trek I like both. :)
  8. DBZGT1818

    DBZGT1818 is new to MV

    Thanks for the info, I try to make a smaller game. :)
  9. DBZGT1818

    DBZGT1818 is new to MV

    I see, so like I can make a small demo of the beginning of bigger game? Then do some small games like 3 to 6 hours of gameplay? That is great idea. Thanks for the help. (smile)
  10. DBZGT1818

    DBZGT1818 is new to MV

    Hi @MinisterJay , Thanks for the warm welcome. (smile)
  11. DBZGT1818

    DBZGT1818 is new to MV

    Hello Community! DBZGT1818 is the name. I download MV 10 days ago on the 8th of April 2016. My profile says I am a Jack of all trades. I am not, I have played XP and VX Ace in last year or so; and have not gotten very far in making my own game. The game I want to make is like Star Ocean. Yes I...