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  1. Ngaboru

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    Here is my starting map. I try to make everything with the built in tilesets. No 3rd party resource. No parallax either, I'm not skilled enough for that. What do you think? (Oh and that dog puppy is just running around and barks when you interact with it :D )
  2. Ngaboru

    Special skills unlocked when TP is full

    Mmmm okay, but how do i do that? :D sorry :D
  3. Ngaboru

    Hello, my name is Ngaboru

    Thanks guys :) Maybe, but really maybe, I may begin composing music again. But not on demand, just by my own thoughts. If i come up with anything, first thing is to post it in the resources
  4. Ngaboru

    Item to give random stat boost?

    I dont know if i understood you well, but i think what you need is in control variables->select your variable for stats-> operation-> mul (multiply) operand->game data-> actor level This multiplies the variable by the level of the actor
  5. Ngaboru

    Hello, my name is Ngaboru

    Hello everyone! I think its time for introduction for me too. The first time I heard about RM was the time of RM2K. I was very young back then, and still I describe myself as an enthusiastic beginner. I never had a completed game, only plans, stories and ideas. Once i wrote midi music on...
  6. Ngaboru

    Special skills unlocked when TP is full

    Hey! It just worked! I now have a special skill unlocked when tp is 100. Hah, thanks for advice on that common event plugin.
  7. Ngaboru

    Special skills unlocked when TP is full

    oh! That would explain it. I check it out, thanks!
  8. Ngaboru

    Special skills unlocked when TP is full

    Ok here are the pictures of how i did it.
  9. Ngaboru

    Special skills unlocked when TP is full

    I think this kind of system can be found in some final fantasy games. And I'm eager to find out how to make it happen :) I think i found a way around, but it still does not work. This is how i tried to do it: First, i found out, that i can remove the tp gain when damaged in the rpg_objects.js...
  10. Ngaboru

    What Inspires Your Story?

    I try to be very authentic, so my game is not influenced by any of these popular sources. I get inspired by astrology, and my characters are kind of embodiments of signs. Like one of the main characters in the story is the Leo itself. And its not a lion, but a strong, fierce yet noble, fiery...
  11. Ngaboru

    Special skills unlocked when TP is full

    Hello everyone! Sorry if the post is in the wrong topic. I have an idea where, if the hero is in battle, new special skills are unlocked, when the TP reaches 100. I fiddled around with skills, states, conditional branches, but I cant seem to achieve this thing. Anyone know how can I do this? Is...
  12. Ngaboru

    8 direction moving

    Yes, that is what i meant. Thank you very much!
  13. Ngaboru

    8 direction moving

    Hello Everyone! First of all, I am very sorry, if this question was already asked, or answered, or in the wrong topic but I did not find anything about it. I'd like to ask if it is possible to make my characters (or events too) move in 8 directions instead of 4. If yes, how can I do that...