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  1. YGM7

    Game Over in stealth-puzzle game

    Yeah, I was thinking something like "lives." Because of the menu system I am using, (one that I made from scratch without all of the default options) I am not using the built-in HP system. For "health" I just have a variable that will decrease and increase for different occurrences (being...
  2. YGM7

    Game Over in stealth-puzzle game

    I am working on a stealth/puzzle type game at the moment, and I wasnt sure if this mechanic was appropriate for the genre. What I have at the moment is a health system where every time you get spotted you go back to the beginning of the map and your health decreases (I make a point in stating...
  3. YGM7

    Parallel Process Text Message While Allowing Player to Move

    Hi. Im looking for a way to display text permanently on screen while allowing the player to move around. I have yet to find a script to do this, and dont think theres a good way to do this via events. Thanks
  4. YGM7

    REQUEST: On screen health number indicator

    I understand that it would have to be done via a common event, but other than that, I'm not sure how this would word (preferably without scripting). Thanks Okay, figured most of this out. I just need a way to have a variable displayed on screen at all times. I couldn't find a plugin for this, so...
  5. YGM7

    Event Commands Playing Twice

    Okay, its fine. Thanks so much. But now, I switched it back to my original event, and I'm unable to move my player after it runs. There's no autorun in it, and I changed everything to "this event". Thanks I have tried everything at this point. Aside from the double event commands, now I'm unable...
  6. YGM7

    Move (walk) event to particular coordinates

    No problem. Also, I think the plugin automatically takes care of obstacles for you. The NPCs will just walk around them.
  7. YGM7

    Move (walk) event to particular coordinates

    If you use GALV_MoveRouteExtras (or something like that) it will give you that option. It allows you to have an event or player move to another event, so if you just make a blank even at the coordinates you want, it will do exactly as you want.
  8. YGM7

    Event Commands Playing Twice

    Okay. I switched all of the move routes to "this event," and I just turned off all of my plugins, and I still have the problem. Thanks
  9. YGM7

    Event Commands Playing Twice

    These are my plugins: Thanks Just got rid of both GALV_JumpAbility plugins, as I wasn't using them. (Don't know why there were two in the first place.)
  10. YGM7

    Event Commands Playing Twice

    Okay, thanks. Now it works, but I still have the problem of the event commands running twice. And I'm having other problems with this event interacting with other events in the map, so the original event that I originally made seems like a better idea at the moment. But still, the problem...
  11. YGM7

    Event Commands Playing Twice

    And thats the source of the problems you think? Thanks (page 4 is just an empty page that will be activated when a certain switch is turned on)
  12. YGM7

    Event Commands Playing Twice

    The 4th page is just a blank page with a switch to make the NPC go away after a different interaction in the scene. (That event has a set move route for this event. Will that be a problem?) 1) 2) 3)
  13. YGM7

    Event Commands Playing Twice

    I did everything you listed, and things work fine, until the scene reloads because of the transfer event. The NPC freezes and you are no longer able to move your character because it (I assume) is trapped in the autorun...? When I change the 3rd page to a parallel, the NPC freezes when the scene...
  14. YGM7

    Event Commands Playing Twice

    Wow, that is exactly what I needed. Thanks. But when the switch is off, the guard isn't "off duty" or whatever, and therefore will be moving, so I should just have the autonomous movement set to the route I want on the first page, right? Also, is there a reason why the 2nd page has a custom...
  15. YGM7

    REQUEST: On screen health number indicator

    Does anybody know how to have it say in the corner of the screen something along the lines of "Health 100" (or whatever number) and have that number decrease after certain occurrences? I would also like it to Game Over when it hits zero. This doesnt seem like it could be that hard, but I have...
  16. YGM7

    Event Commands Playing Twice

    Okay, so the long row of events on the map turn on the switch Guard_Sight via player touch, and the single event above the ladder turns off the switch Guard_Sight also via player touch (as seen in the picture). The event that is open on the side is the NPC (that you can see to left on the map)...
  17. YGM7

    Event Commands Playing Twice

    Hi, new here. I have an issue where an event command is running twice. It is on a parallel event that is only set to run if a switch is on. I have similar events throughout my game, but the problem only occurs here. I have 2 events on this map that have this issue. Any help would be appreciated...