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  1. NathakraGames

    The World of Nathakra: The Infernal Scar

    Thanks! I used a combination of Adobe After Effects CS6 and ProShow to compile everything. On another note, this project has stalled for the time being (Demo is done) as it is summer now and I am spending most of my free time playing with my 3 year old son :). I will post when things pick up...
  2. NathakraGames

    The World of Nathakra: The Infernal Scar

    I am hoping to have the demo released in 2-3 weeks. I could probably release it tomorrow but I have kept this story/realm/fantasy world close to my chest for the past 6 to 7 years and it's hard to open it up to the world. Whether or not people like it won't really change the way I feel about...
  3. NathakraGames

    [unmaintained] Elderage

    I see your last post was a little while ago now but this project sounds pretty cool. Looking forward to seeing more of it!
  4. NathakraGames

    What domain name should I get

    I agree 110% with Xyphien. Being in IT in my real life (real life? what's that?!) i can tell you the shorter the better for overall appearance as well as SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  5. NathakraGames

    Need plugin for Randomized Loot from chests using 'Item Pools'

    I am no programmer so I couldn't write you a plugin but you could probably achieve this with eventing using random variables and conditional branches. If interested let me know and I will see if I can help you. However, being the long weekend (Easter weekend) I will be out of town until Tuesday.
  6. NathakraGames

    Play testing my demo from start to finish! Exciting!

    Play testing my demo from start to finish! Exciting!
  7. NathakraGames

    Thanks so much & sorry for delay. Life has been crazy lately. One of my favourite subjects as...

    Thanks so much & sorry for delay. Life has been crazy lately. One of my favourite subjects as well :-)
  8. NathakraGames Check out the [Official Opening Video] for my first... Check out the [Official Opening Video] for my first full length RPG!
  9. NathakraGames

    Video uploads question...

    MP4 is the better choice as you still get nice quality but a smaller file size, AVI can get huge depending on quality and length. YouTube itself supports quite a few different formats and if it is uploadable to YouTube, it will be viewable on all devices. Hope that helps :)
  10. NathakraGames

    Was having trouble wrapping head around "Unique Items" (only have 1 in inv). Solution was so...

    Was having trouble wrapping head around "Unique Items" (only have 1 in inv). Solution was so simple...shows how much lack of sleep hurts.
  11. NathakraGames

    The World of Nathakra: The Infernal Scar

    Yes I realize the three platforms are a button away but uploading an iOS app to the apple store requires a developer license which I am not prepared to get at this time. Definitely get the reasoning though, the more I can deploy on the better :) Thanks again
  12. NathakraGames

    The World of Nathakra: The Infernal Scar

    Thanks for the reply. Being an IT specialist in real life, I am very much pro PC/Android as it makes up the bulk of what people use day to day (in business/residential) least where I am from and PC/Android gives me a little more freedom than Apple does. I do not want to start a PC vs MAC...
  13. NathakraGames

    The World of Nathakra: The Infernal Scar

    Hey all, long time RPG Maker tinkerer (started with RPG Maker 2000) but only since VX Ace have I become more passionate about it. I am currently in the middle of making my first full length, heavily story driven RPG based on a fantasy realm I created long ago called Nathakra. The story...
  14. NathakraGames

    I am new here!!

    Thanks for the welcome and thanks for the advice! I will post there pronto! However, should it not be posted in "Projects Under Development" instead of "Resources in Progress"?
  15. NathakraGames


  16. NathakraGames

    I am new here!!

    Hey all, long time RPG Maker tinkerer (RPG Maker 2000) but only since VX Ace have I become more passionate about it. I am currently in the middle of making my first full length, heavily story driven RPG based on a fantasy realm I created long ago now called Nathakra. Though I would consider...
  17. NathakraGames

    Centaur Male SV Battler

    I am looking for a SV Centaur for my game and have yet to come across anything that works. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Preferably with dark hair and Druidic ish clothing but I can certainly use the Character Generator to match the face to the SV Battler :) Thanks in advance!!! It's...