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  1. Batman

    More activity

    There's a TON of people online, but hardly any of them are active in conversation. You should find more ways for others to get active on the website.
  2. Batman

    What have you done productive today?

    It's always nice to put what you've done productive down so both you as well as others can agnolage your achievements. So, go ahead and post what you've done here to help not only yourself but others in becoming aware of what productive stuff you've done for the day.
  3. Batman

    Forum Achievements

    I bought VIP to help support tyhe forums :D
  4. Batman

    The Dark Knight Is Here!

    The Dark Knight Is Here!
  5. Batman

    Do you change your site to match the holidays?

    Idk how I'll be doinmg it. A complete batman themed forum seems like it'd be hard to have themes for the holidays.
  6. Batman

    When do you open up your forums?

    I'm going to be making a bunch of posts before opening up my fforum and then I'll promote it a TON!
  7. Batman Merged with and MORE!

    Nice to have it all in one place now. But isn't this a little old to keep as a pinned message?
  8. Batman

    Batman Here!

    I have protected Gotham time, and time again. Now it is time to find a new home to protect and I've found this place. I'm a gamer, as well as I've been trying to make a website for years now but can't seem to get the motivation to finish it. I hope everyone here welcomes me with open arms, for I...
  9. Batman

    ObsidianTrance Art

    Looks pretty nice! :D