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  1. HentaiPie

    What are some good places to promote your website?

    I opened up my own website not too long ago and I can't seem to get a lot of people on it, as well as I can't seem to get them to stay active. What's some things I can do?
  2. HentaiPie

    Custom parallax / map (PAID)

    Yes, I do still need help with this (cat) mind sending me a pm? Or would you like to talk about it here or discord?
  3. HentaiPie

    Are Mini games good or bad?

    Good insight. I'm making a simulator, so I added black jack(21) which is a quick game, and you pay $25 to play. If you win, you win $50 so it's a game of risk. As a simulator I did make it so if you click on the gameboy you can play a very quick 4 level rpg game. It doesn't have any bonus if you...
  4. HentaiPie

    Are Mini games good or bad?

    Do you add mini games to your games? I've heard a few people say it takes away from the actual game itself, however I personally think it adds a little bit of gameplay time to your game, as well as makes look like you've put more effort into it. What's your opinion? Personally, I've added two...
  5. HentaiPie

    Random event not working

    I have a random Variable set up for 1 - 10. However, out of all the options it will choose 10 about 90% of the time. Is there something I'm doing wrong here? The missing ones are duplicates of the >4 one.
  6. HentaiPie

    Trying to get someone to make paralaxes... Willing to pay as well

    Trying to get someone to make paralaxes... Willing to pay as well
  7. HentaiPie

    Custom parallax / map (PAID)

    Anyone interested in making a parralax? I'm in need of one
  8. HentaiPie

    Custom parallax / map (PAID)

    Hello, I'm looking to get a custom map created from an example. I'd like it to be 16 bit or 8 bit and have it look like something not rpg maker. My goal is to give the presentation that it's a "normal" game to hopefully skip past the bias against rpg maker. This way once people are enjoying the...