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  1. Oliver_

    Switchs dont recognise each other

    You saying this made me check my entire code... thank you so much, some where down the line I put a turn switch on so the door where always. so I flipped the pages... now that deleted and I swapped then back it works great! THANK YOU!
  2. Oliver_

    Switchs dont recognise each other

    Doesn't work man that sucks. Nor can I so why is it not working I'm going to put the game up here to see if you guy can see if there is anything wrong...k But how do you do that?
  3. Oliver_

    Switchs dont recognise each other

    I'll try that
  4. Oliver_

    Switchs dont recognise each other

    Same as switch switch: 8,5 door:8,8 you say that but it doesn't I have no Idea why but no matter the switch (checked on f9) the door is locked! Grr! But thank you for trying,
  5. Oliver_

    Switchs dont recognise each other

    Sorry that was the wrong page check now
  6. Oliver_

    Switchs dont recognise each other

    Ye I have, here is the code
  7. Oliver_

    Switchs dont recognise each other

    Can't screen shot but it looks like this: Rope : (at school don't know code but) turns switch 1 to on plays se switch 3 (this all works fine, no problems) Person: event page one nothing but skin Event page two event page to is on when switch is pulled and has no skin Door: Event page 1...
  8. Oliver_

    Switchs dont recognise each other

    So I'm in a tent and I set a switch(rope to pull) to open a trap door but no mater what I do it wont open ... I know what your thinking I did something wrong, But I didn't I set up a barrel to change to a man by using the same switch, and guess what that works... can any one help
  9. Oliver_


    Hey there I'm new to "Rpg maker" so... this is a first!