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  1. Garsto


    Welcome, good to have ya
  2. Garsto

    Starbird's ask me anything

    That is amazing work! Good to know - I may have to hit you up later for resources. I've been writing a story for an RPG Maker game and it's the reason I joined this community. I like your work and there are definitely larger things and beings in my story so far. Keep doing great work you...
  3. Garsto

    The Never Ending Post Count

    125, assuming poster above me forgot 124
  4. Garsto

    Starbird's ask me anything

    Hey Starbird, what's your favorite particular type of resource that you like to work on and why?
  5. Garsto

    Gamer turned aspiring game creator

    Hey guys, I'm Garsto. I'm a huge fan and current player of World of Warcraft. I've recently started writing my own story. I've made my way here in hopes to join a community of fellow nerds who have a passion for gaming and creating. Thanks for having me!