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Search results

  1. mobiusclimber

    Iris-In/Out Scene Transitions?

    I had thought of just doing an overlay but wasn't sure how that would end up looking. I was going to play around with it when I had time. I wasn't sure if there was a better way of doing animated overlays or whatever you'd call it. I actually spent some time trying to make a 2.5D maze using...
  2. mobiusclimber

    Iris-In/Out Scene Transitions?

    I was wondering if there was a way to make scene or map transitions like in some older movies where a black screen with a round hole in the middle would close around a scene and then the next scene would be the reverse. In film, it's called iris-in and iris-out. Can you do something like that in...
  3. mobiusclimber

    Discussion: Idea for a gameplay mechanic.

    You would probably want to make enemies gain levels along with you, just to make balancing easier.
  4. mobiusclimber

    Two Text Windows Open At Same Time - Besides Galv's Plugin

    Because you can change the color, if you just set it to all 0s it's transparent. And even though it doesn't look like it will, I copied and pasted the entire text box and it displayed it. Worked like a charm! Thanks again!
  5. mobiusclimber

    Two Text Windows Open At Same Time - Besides Galv's Plugin

    Thanks for the suggestion! I think I was reluctant to use that because it looks like it can only display one line of text at a time, and a transparent color, and I wanted a list to stay up after it shows up, with like four lines of text, and a clear transparent background, but I will mess around...
  6. mobiusclimber

    Two Text Windows Open At Same Time - Besides Galv's Plugin

    So I know that Galv has a Timed Message PopUp plugin that allows for more than one text window on screen at a time, but the problem with that plugin is that it doesn't allow the use of text box codes (or it might interfere with Yanfly's Message Core, which I need to change font; I haven't tried...
  7. mobiusclimber

    Balaclava, Gas Mask & Tripple Horn

    Just some random thoughts: Toxic barrels, fire barrels (the kind that keep hobos warm), bent light poles, spiky dune buggies for the desert, shadows burnt into the ground, battle damaged playground, mangy dog, NPCs with missing limbs (and raggedy clothes)...
  8. mobiusclimber

    Enemies Working on robot battlers

    It's listed under the jam section of as "indie game Making Contest 2018" and that's where you can find links to all the games, including ones from last years contest as well. I know what you mean about testing and fixing. I have a lot of big ideas for what I want to do in my games, but...
  9. mobiusclimber

    Enemies Working on robot battlers

    Oh I didn't know that! I'm still learning how to use MV. Some of it seems really overly complicated, especially compared to what I'm used to (RM PS1 and FES). I'm seriously struggling with the map editor, for instance. I don't know why it's impossible to make anything decent, but man.... I'll...
  10. mobiusclimber

    Enemies Working on robot battlers

    Yeah, they look pretty good! I would probably mirror image them and use em as enemies for side view battles. I haven't been working on that game lately bc I'm trying to put together something for the Degica contest. It's... not coming along too well. XD
  11. mobiusclimber

    Enemies Working on robot battlers

    I'm at work at the moment; I'll have to check em out when I get home. Sounds great tho! I'm working on an RPG/Shmup/Brawler hybrid, so I need all the turrets, guns, bombs and things of that nature, I can get. LOL
  12. mobiusclimber

    Enemies Working on robot battlers

    I'm working on a game that could use a variety of mechanical enemies, particularly humanoid/animal/insect things that fly and shoot, and have various changeable weapons. So the generator idea would be awesome! I also look forward to whatever battlers you produce. Thanks!
  13. mobiusclimber

    MV Proximity-Based Event Fading

    I've tried twice to edit my post but the stupid filter on this forum keeps saying it's "spam-like." This is only the third time I've had this problem on these forums. XD Anyway, here's a link to one I found...
  14. mobiusclimber

    MV Proximity-Based Event Fading

    There are plugins to do this with a light source. Maybe one of them would let you do it without a light source?
  15. mobiusclimber

    What is Missing in RPGs?

    I think a lot of RPGs are fairly cliched and don't really comment on real life anymore. You see the same characters over and over with the same motivations and personality, the same generic storyline, and nothing that really makes you think too hard. I used to hate that every JRPG had to have an...
  16. mobiusclimber

    Discussion: Idea for a gameplay mechanic.

    I would suggest looking up some beginners tutorials on Youtube to get a feel for how the system works and what you can do with it. MV is incredibly versatile and can easily handle many branching storyline paths. It all comes down to the person creating the events to keep everything straight and...
  17. mobiusclimber

    Guide needed: tileset usage and basic map creation

    There's a ton of different things you need to know about when making your map, and there really aren't any good guides out there, imo. You either get one small section of map making but it's very rudimentary. Or video after video on parallax mapping. Which is the way to go but when you're first...
  18. mobiusclimber

    Looping / Scrolling Map? Tiles Keep Changing

    I want to have a small map that just loops endlessly for a short cutscene. But when I use the "loop horizontally" for the "scroll type" the tiles end up scrolling too so that it goes from grass to sand and on and on. I want the tiles to stay the same but to just repeat. I could make a map that's...
  19. mobiusclimber

    What Is Your RPG Maker Routine?

    It helps the creativity for me, but not the actual work. Dialogue and plot and things like that go fine, but figuring out how to event something complicated is a bit more structured than I'm usually up for. LOL