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  1. Arcwinds

    Battle Paused Need Help

    Wait you are on to something. When I make it so that only 1 character sleeps, there is no text saying that the enemy is asleep. It completely skips all combat dialogue. I will check out why that is and get back to you. After much frustration and trying to figure out why the combat dialogue...
  2. Arcwinds

    Currently a half-baked RPG Maker MV user.

    Currently a half-baked RPG Maker MV user.
  3. Arcwinds

    Battle Paused Need Help

    So I was messing around with the Damage Formula to see to what extent I can mess around with it. However when I input a.addState(10); 0 which makes the battler gain the status Sleep and an aoe Sleep infliction, the battle stops progressing. The Sleep status is successfully placed on both the...
  4. Arcwinds


    Hello! I have joined the community belatedly because of my stubbornness to work on the RPG alone. However I fear that I hit my limit. I hope learn from all of you!