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Search results

  1. Magus Gar Kan

    Player Agency and Story Choices

    Ultimately speaking, most games are linear. Outside of Procedurally generated content, it's almost inevitable that a game will progress along specific storylines points, from beginning, to middle, to end. On one extreme end of the spectrum, you have the most linear of visual novel games. Where...
  2. Magus Gar Kan

    What is your favourite spell from a Video Game?

    My Personal favorite was always Darkmatter from Chrono Trigger.
  3. Magus Gar Kan

    Which Should I do?

    I am at an impasse on what I should focus my creative energies on... However, a little context. When I first started with RPG Maker it was back in high school and I had actually managed to get a full working game demo going... I had the prologue, some fancy cutscenes and the two initial story...
  4. Magus Gar Kan

    What did you add to your project today?

    I added several things, removed others and then decided better on it and put everything back to where I had started from. I am in this weird limbo of creative energy where I can't decided what I should work on, how or when and so I end up getting nothing done.
  5. Magus Gar Kan

    Can you do more harm then good if you release a Demo early?

    Well, not all things are equally as damaging. Incomplete quests, lack of items, imbalanced enemies... those are all fine. Glitches and errors that should be basic quality control... Improperly set tile behavior for instance, should not fall into the public's hands. Work in progress is fine...
  6. Magus Gar Kan

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    Ah thanks for the update, you take care of you.
  7. Magus Gar Kan

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    I think the contest is over... but there hasn't been any followup on it.
  8. Magus Gar Kan

    Cant find a way to have Custom Game Over music

    That just changes the jingle that plays when you lose a battle, it doesn't change the game over music.
  9. Magus Gar Kan

    Cant find a way to have Custom Game Over music

    There doesn't appear to be a default way to do this. You would have to make either a custom event that mimics the game over screen or modify the code using a plugin.
  10. Magus Gar Kan

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    There a consolidated list to all entries somewhere? I'm curious how it's shaping up.
  11. Magus Gar Kan

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    Um... I uploaded it to the demo category? is that alright? I also posted a link to it here... but the post is waiting on mod approval to appear... Game is called Fireside Tales: Land of the Lastborn
  12. Magus Gar Kan

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    So... just to confirm, I upload it, then post the link here and when the mods approve it, I'm good?
  13. Magus Gar Kan

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    So... not sure where to put this: If I need to link it somewhere else, I can. But this is as done as it's going to be.
  14. Magus Gar Kan

    RPG Maker Fireside Tales: Land of the Lastborn [Contest 4/2019] - Minor Bugfix

    Something I missed on my initial playthrough and export.
  15. Magus Gar Kan

    Fireside Tales: Land of the Lastborn [Contest 4/2019]

    Magus Gar Kan updated Fireside Tales: Land of the Lastborn [Contest 4/2019] with a new update entry: Minor Bugfix Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. Magus Gar Kan

    RPG Maker Fireside Tales: Land of the Lastborn [Contest 4/2019] 1.1

    A peaceful day broken by spirits of darkness and a mother and father forced to undertake a journey to the temple of a sleeping goddess to save their daughter's life. Come, sit by the fire and explore this tale~ This is my entry for the Jungle tile contest on the forums. While it is a complete...
  17. Magus Gar Kan

    Fireside Tales: Land of the Lastborn [Contest 4/2019]

    Magus Gar Kan submitted a new resource: Fireside Tales: Land of the Lastborn [Contest 4/2019] - Entry for Jungle Contest Read more about this resource...
  18. Magus Gar Kan

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    I have to also ask the question on whether or not we need the game to be complete or just a demo... Due to a bout of illness, work committments and some other events coming up, I wasn't able to start work on this until the beginning of the month... I could have a functional end to end demo of...
  19. Magus Gar Kan

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    So just to be clear, I can only use the base resources and ones explicitly from this site's resource page, I can't use any DLC or initial bonuses that I have like the Coverart Characters or anything that was in a humble bundle, correct?
  20. Magus Gar Kan

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    I'd like to be in the contest.