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  1. Thomas Smith


    @Azdak Hey. I don't know about influences, but I did find Heinlein's novels (look him up if you don't know him) to be very interesting, he writes sci-fi. If you want to see my game, I can send it to you, it's on a different website.
  2. Thomas Smith


    Hello guys, sorry I didn't respond, I'm not so active here (cute) Thanks for the welcome! @Azdak Thanks! Yes it is! @Lore I know you from discord (smile)
  3. Thomas Smith


    Okay, nobody welcomes me. (cry)
  4. Thomas Smith


    Hey there! (cute) Um... So I'm new to these forums, somewhat new to RMMV, but I have been using VX Ace and XP for a long time, and already have an account on the official forums for RM. (jolly) This is my first time making an introduction post on any forum before... Or anywhere. (silent) Please...