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  1. Trumully

    Enable skill when state applied to enemy

    Thanks @IncPara. I didn't know about that guard thing, that helps heaps.
  2. Trumully

    Enable skill when state applied to enemy

    I've replaced guard in my game with a skill called Obliterate. I want this skill to only be able to target enemies with a Staggered state and instantly kill them also regaining health (like the Glory Kill in DOOM 4). I am currently using Yanfly's Auto Passive States to apply the Staggered state...
  3. Trumully

    Ask the Owner Anything

  4. Trumully

    Hi Guys

    Got the inspiration to return to RPG Maker MV and to the forums. Great to see an amazing community has grown over the past years.
  5. Trumully

    Happy New Year :)

    Happy New Year :)
  6. Trumully


    Hey @Mattsama! Welcome to the forums! Hope you find what you are looking for :)
  7. Trumully

    Androol's introduction

    Welcome to the forums @Androol!
  8. Trumully

    Idea for my game

    Hi and welcome to the forums! --- I know from past experience that games are really hard to make (I hardly finish making mine honestly) and the main reason why is coming up for an idea for my game. What I do is take ideas from other works that inspire you and mix it up with your own creativity...
  9. Trumully

    Hey Xyphien! Long time no see! Just saw RPG Maker MV in my Steam Library and I remembered the...

    Hey Xyphien! Long time no see! Just saw RPG Maker MV in my Steam Library and I remembered the forums! My my, you've really developed this forum with an ever growing staff! I just wanted to say you're doing a good job and to keep doing what you're doing!
  10. Trumully

    Any Advice for getting back into RPG Maker?

    Hello! Long time no see (for those who have been on here for over a year anyway). I moved away from RPG Maker a number of months ago because I got bored and lost motivation to make games. I saw RPG Maker in my Steam Library while looking for games to return to. Any advice that may help me get...
  11. Trumully

    Happy Anniversary me! Wow, 1 year since I signed up?

    Happy Anniversary me! Wow, 1 year since I signed up?
  12. Trumully

    Happy Birthday Forums!!! :D

    Damn, it's that time already...
  13. Trumully

    Skill becomes available after Critical Hit?

    Hi, As the title says, I'm trying to create a skill that will become available for limited time after a successful critical hit. I hope this is possible!
  14. Trumully

    I am now a cyborg kiwi. Get to the chopper!

    I am now a cyborg kiwi. Get to the chopper!
  15. Trumully

    I'm completely perplexed at how I've gained 2 followers in the past few days without being the...

    I'm completely perplexed at how I've gained 2 followers in the past few days without being the active... Magic?
  16. Trumully

    Help with Scripting a Conditional Branch

    Thanks dude! I forgot to mention I can do conditional branches with Java, but didn't know the right script call! Thank you!
  17. Trumully


  18. Trumully

    Help with Scripting a Conditional Branch

    Hello! I am trying to create a conditional branch in RPG Maker using scripting that checks if a character's MP is at 0 and then gives the player a game over. I have tried looking for other alternatives to work around scripting but I couldn't find anything. If anyone can help me with the...
  19. Trumully

    Awesome work on becoming mod, MJ! You ran a great and well made campaign, and totally deserved...

    Awesome work on becoming mod, MJ! You ran a great and well made campaign, and totally deserved mod. Best of luck for the future, dude!
  20. Trumully

    Long time no see...

    Long time no see...