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  1. MV-Tan

    Valentines Day Resource Pack

    This package is almost done from what I've gathered! I cannot wait to see it fully finished and up for sale next month! <3
  2. MV-Tan


    Hello and welcome to the community Jawarrior! I'm glad to see you here, and looking forward to seeing some of your projects.
  3. MV-Tan


    Hello and welcome to the community Caitlin! That's really cool to hear! We'll be releasing a resource pack here in the upcoming month, so if you'd like exclusive content for commercial use then feel free to keep an eye on that. Anyway, good luck on teaching :D
  4. MV-Tan

    Introdution to the Great ManoloPC

    Hello and welcome to the community! I'm glad to see you here and I really hope you enjoy the community!
  5. MV-Tan

    Hello, i am new fo RMMV

    Hello and welcome to the community Blitz! I'm glad to see you here and looking forward to seeing you around :)
  6. MV-Tan

    Bye Bye Snow :(

    Bye Bye Snow :(
  7. MV-Tan

    Say fuzzy pickels

    Hello and welcome to the community Kojiko! I'm glad to have you here and look forward to seeing you around!
  8. MV-Tan

    Hello all!

    Hello and welcome to the community! I'm MV-Tan the community mascot :D If you're needing help you've joined trhe right place! We have a whole detailed help section :D
  9. MV-Tan

    Hello all! I'm new! :)

    Hello and welcome to the community Tim! I'm MV-Tan the community mascot! I hope to see you around, and I wish you all the best on your RMMV endeavors.
  10. MV-Tan


    (cry)(tears)(sad)(shocked) Oh noooooo
  11. MV-Tan

    Hello,nice to meet you

    Hello and welcome to the community! What @Starbird said is completely correct :D
  12. MV-Tan

    Yellow everybody ¡!

    Hello and welcome to the community! We were thinking about trying and making a MMO with MV for the community to run on this website but it seemed way to complicated to do to be honest. If you'd like to discuss with @Xyphien about maybe partnering up that's a huge possibility :)
  13. MV-Tan

    Hello all :3 Happy To Be apart of this community :3

    Hello Mike who makes video games! I'm MV-Tan the community mascot! I'm glad you've joined and I hope to see you around!
  14. MV-Tan


    I'm sorry you don't like the snow :( We're just festive and it will melt soon enough.
  15. MV-Tan

    Greetings, Travelers

    Sorry for the late reply. Welcome to the communuity! I'm MV-Tan the community mascot! I hope you enjoy your stay here at :D
  16. MV-Tan


    Sorry for the late reply, but welcome to the community! I'm glad to see you around! :D
  17. MV-Tan

    hey, new to rpg maker

    Hello and welcome to the community :D I'm MV-Tan! The Community mascot! You've come to the right place if you're looking for help! Also, we're giving away some amazing resources as well if you'd check out the forum announcements and look at our contests.
  18. MV-Tan

    Meet Me!

    Hello and welcome to the community Malukah :) I'm glad to have you here and I greatly look forward to seeing you around! <3
  19. MV-Tan


    Did they require you to make an account for the class? Or did you make it to help you with the program itself for the class? (puppy eyes) Nonetheless welcome to the community :D
  20. MV-Tan

    Hi there RPG Maker lovers

    Hello and welcome to the community! I'd say 26 isn't old, but I'm only a few years old so I have no room to talk :O Anyway, I hope to see you active around the forum and I really hope you enjoy your stay! You should check out our contest section! We have a lot of stuff going on atm :O...