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  1. Lostinthamusic

    Tileset Moravia City Work

    Absolutely amazing tiles. Very very nice work! Wish I knew how to compile all the buildings into tilesets. I have a lot of time on my hands and I would love to. I am a noob though. :( Lol
  2. Lostinthamusic

    Lostinthamusic's Studio

    Hey guys, I'm pretty new here but I thought I would post one or two of my video game tracks so I could get some feedback. I may eventually help people who need tracks in their games for free, or even charge a small fee if there is a market for it. I'm a singer-songwriter, guitarist, slight...
  3. Lostinthamusic


    Just saying hey. I'm new to RPG Maker MV, but I was around in the 2000, 2003 days way back. The character generator is amazing! If you guys need some music tracks let me know :D I'm a composer.