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  1. K

    Actor Command Sub-Menu Plugin Request

    I would like to request a plugin that would add a sub menu to certain commands in battle. Here's an exemple of what I mean: Let's say actor 1 can use 3 types of weapons and 5 types of magic. Each weapon has at least 10 skills and each type of magic has 15 spells. That means the actor would have...
  2. K

    Wondering where to start....

    @Freakytapir: Thanks a bunch! I love explanations that are easy to understand. After thinking about everything you wrote, I have more questions. For the characters, how many of them should I make? I already thought of 5 characters, is this a reasonable number? Should all characters have an...
  3. K

    Wondering where to start....

    I've been playing with MV for the past few days. Now that I'm more used to the program, I would like to know where to start to make a "real" game. Should I start making the maps first? The enemies? Or maybe something else? There's so much to do..... I already have an idea for the story. Would it...