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  1. yomaniac

    Trouble with the Terrax Lighting Plugin

    Hi, I am using this plugin and everything is working fine with some lights I made accept the colour. I have the right code in for the color I want to use but it is still showing a white colour, however sometimes when my followers go on it the correct colour appears on them. Any ideas on how to...
  2. yomaniac

    Rapid Button Press?

    I am trying to make a mechanic where the player needs to rapidly press a key on the keyboard to continue the game, if they fail then it's game over. Anyone know how to do this?
  3. yomaniac

    Any Modern Sci-fi City Tilesets for MV?

    There is plenty of stuff that you can use in MV itself for this but look around on this link for some or there might be some dlc.
  4. yomaniac

    Sprite Similar to the Mothman for MV

    Hi, I am making a game and was wondering if anyone would like to or knows of a character sprite similar to the mothman. This is a picture of what it looks like. This is a sprite by IntenseTomato that I saw however, I would like one larger than the player and more detailed and scarier. It...