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Search results

  1. PhoenixSylph

    Starbird - Classic Japan RTP-Style Tilesets

    Ahh I'm trying to buy this it's amazing! Keeps redirecting me to paypal but not sending me to buy it?? i bought some others just fine T_T
  2. PhoenixSylph

    Keyboard plugin

    Is there some sort of tutorial for this? i've spent hours trying to figure out how to use this but I'm not super experienced with scripts and there is no directions, just commands, and I might be using the commands wrong? Whenever I put in the commands it says there's an error..
  3. PhoenixSylph

    Paid Tutorials

    It's okay, I kind of figured it out except now the monsters only show up a bit when I hit them wtf lol
  4. PhoenixSylph

    [PAID] Soul's Plugin Creation Shop (Open, 1 Slot)

    Yes pretty much xD I'm trying to find a way to at least have a menu setting, to access it, I'd be fine making the layout and the picture for it. I just don't know how to go about adding a whole menu page, and making it the skill tree page, and being able to click certain skills I know...
  5. PhoenixSylph

    [PAID] Soul's Plugin Creation Shop (Open, 1 Slot)

    How much would it be to make a skill branching system kinda like in dragon age? Where when you level up, Magic users, Fighters, Rogues, would all have different branches: Example (like in D.A.) Recieve (x) amount of points after level up ((usually just 1.)) rogue > crossbow, longbow, thievary...
  6. PhoenixSylph

    Paid Tutorials

    ;w; AHHH. BLESS U. how much would it cost to teach me how to place properly step by step animated enemy sprites and animated enemy troops?? I saw yanflys side view animated enemies but that isn't what I'm looking for. My issue is, when I download sprites and enemies ((ones that can move...
  7. PhoenixSylph

    [PAID] TEACH me how to put in animated monsters lmao PLEASE XD

    HOW MUCH would it cost for someone to teach me how to do this T____T?? I have yanflys plugin for animated side view enemies, and I was downloading some free for use with credits animated enemy sprites and moving art for both moving sprites and for battlers/enemy troops> I put them in the sf...