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  1. Theonean

    Tile Swap Problems

    Hey guys it's me(you probably won't recognize me) I am trying to include the tile swap plugin in my game because I want,no NEED to use it. I wasn't able to find any comprehensive guides to the subject and was wondering inf anyone could lead me into it?
  2. Theonean

    Hey there Lore i have a quick(or not so quick) question about RPG Maker MV. I couldn't find a...

    Hey there Lore i have a quick(or not so quick) question about RPG Maker MV. I couldn't find a way to make a direct message so im doing this on your profile page. hope that doesnt bother too much. The problem is as follows: im trying to change tiles after someone has spoken to someone else(in a...
  3. Theonean

    Theonean-the studying-hardworking-mapmaker

    Wow thats one hell of a title. Alright so to start off: im 17 live in Switzerland and will not disclose further private details :p(sorry for all the people stalking me) However: I thouroughly enjoy using RPGmaker MV and love to make maps,learn to use the gui and maybe even one day learn to...