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  1. Kurito14

    Hello. I hope you are well @DoubleX.

    Hello. I hope you are well @DoubleX.
  2. Kurito14

    Life Is Too Sport - Personal blog!

    Nice to meet you. If you want more people in your blog, may I suggest writing about games? Any people here is gamers and game creators.
  3. Kurito14

    What are different societal creature races in your fantasy game?

    @Xyphien, thank you for sharing with me.
  4. Kurito14

    What are different societal creature races in your fantasy game?

    Hello, everyone and I hope you well. I would like to know the types of creatures in your world in general? The races where they have a society can communicate and have a community, not live base on instinct. Thank you for your input. -Dwarves -Vampires‎ -Elves -Giants -Goblins -humans -Orcs...
  5. Kurito14

    Can you do more harm then good if you release a Demo early?

    When you allow test players to test your game and check to make sure something is errors. I think it is ok, just make clear that you are still developing. I believe they call early release testing if you are strong enough to stand the criticism not just constructive criticism from strangers. It...
  6. Kurito14

    In your game, do the people in your world believe in or have an afterlife?

    Hello Everyone and I hope you all are safe and well. Do you have heaven, nothingness, and hell in your game world? If so what are there such as angles, devil, ghosts? Thank you for your time.
  7. Kurito14

    Official Watch Out List

    Next, Popular Aekashics is being resoled despite it is free to use as long you credit her.
  8. Kurito14

    Official Watch Out List

    1. I just spread a word. Yanfly informs that Isabella Ava is likely to steal the code from her code and Irina's code. You can read more about Yanfly's investigation. 2.
  9. Kurito14

    bondage gear outfit

    @tylerr90, oh my goodness. lol, it probably helpful for many RPG maker games in Stream.
  10. Kurito14

    Are Mini games good or bad?

    I would say depending on your mini-games. First of all, a mini-game has to be fun to play. For an example of that, a fishing game which is popular I did the survey in another forum. It must multiple types of fishes or you can add fish enemies too. Second, a reward which @Starbird brings up need...
  11. Kurito14


    @Xyphien, what are errors please let me know or in fact let others people here know so we do not get panicked.
  12. Kurito14

    How do you approach tutorials in your game?

    Hello everyone. How much is too much to guiding the players thought the game system and mechanics in the general sense? How do you introduce the control keys in the players or you think expect players to know? Another way to introduce the information to the player; you could put everything on...
  13. Kurito14

    Discussion: Idea for a gameplay mechanic.

    @Xavier101, I think if you can code the scripts would be easier for you to do what you intend. Gameplay, I am not sure you are talking the unique mechanics or about the balancing stats.
  14. Kurito14

    Hi, guys!

    @kotnik, I have been using RPG maker about 2 years. Most of the time, I just spent time learn the basic and some of plugins.
  15. Kurito14

    Still Clarification can expand into subcategories

    Thank you @Xilefian, I just expand more on the reorder: First: Completed Resources Although inside it has sorted "CATEGORIES" I suggest creating subcategories. Like here: Completed Resources ---->[MV, Ace, XP...
  16. Kurito14

    Hello RPG maker and Everyone

    @CT_Bolt, thank you for your assistant. I am still learning JavaScript basic on the codeacademy. SRDude has a great tutorials.
  17. Kurito14

    Hey, everyone!

    @Sword_of_Dusk, nice to meet you. I hope you have fun.
  18. Kurito14

    @[696:@CT_Bolt], you made a lot of resources which are great. In the future, are you planning to...

    @[696:@CT_Bolt], you made a lot of resources which are great. In the future, are you planning to make some game?
  19. Kurito14

    @[907:@Cyanide], your tilesets are great. How can I report to you if some of the tilesets are...

    @[907:@Cyanide], your tilesets are great. How can I report to you if some of the tilesets are not functioned properly?
  20. Kurito14

    That is great that can do both of them.

    That is great that can do both of them.