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  1. RK DracoRoy

    Retain Level on Class Change [Deleted]

    Oh yeah, Yanfly's Class Change Core. It even has the option to Maintain levels but the weird thing is that when you set the parameter as "true", every class is going to have each others skills even when you have a notetag set for just 1 class, something probably unintended in Yanfly's plugin.
  2. RK DracoRoy

    Retain Level on Class Change [Deleted]

    @Boy Who Codes The download link to Retain Level on Class Change is gone. Can you reenable the download link to the plugin? I'm in desperate need of keeping levels regardless of changing class.
  3. RK DracoRoy

    Yanfly's Item Requirement - Help

    Right, I am using Yanfly's Item Core and Item Requirements is located under the plug-in.
  4. RK DracoRoy

    Yanfly's Item Requirement - Help

    I'm using Yanfly's Item Requirement plug-in: So I used this notetag (provided below) on one item called Pure Water, that inflicts a state boosting their resistance (MDF). <Enable Requirements> Not State: x </Enable...
  5. RK DracoRoy

    What scripts would you like made?

    Can a script like this be possible for battles? It's a Fire Emblem-styled battle. Speed Stat Info ---------------------- Actor 1 has 50 Speed (AGI) Enemy 1 has 70 Speed (AGI) Actor's Turn ------------------ -Actor 1 attacks Enemy 1 with one hit, due to lower speed. -Enemy 1 either dodges or...
  6. RK DracoRoy

    Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV)

    @Companion Wulf I had to think back on this idea on displaying a ?? bar unless a certain percentage. If going by that, actors and enemies would be displaying a ?? HP bar from the start especially if they were starting a new game adventure. And that'd be really unusual for starting a RPG...
  7. RK DracoRoy

    Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV)

    @Companion Wulf Thank you. And by the way, if you don't mind, I've one more plug-in suggestion but it's regarding the HP gauge. I promise this is the last one and I'm done. It's an HP bar plug-in that optionally displays a "??", instead of a number but only in certain conditions. (either "??"...
  8. RK DracoRoy

    Yanfly's Extended DoT plug-in extension [Help]

    I'm using Yanfly's Extended Damage Overtime plug-in extension and have it located under Battle Engine Core and Buffs & States Core. I have the latest version of each. Link to Yanfly's Extended DoT plug-in: My problem...
  9. RK DracoRoy

    Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV)

    @Companion Wulf Thank you very much. I do hope the idea works over there, when you get time. And I made this same request in the RPG Maker MV forum, but it's a bit more detailed along with a video that shows what I mean, in case you want to look...
  10. RK DracoRoy

    Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV)

    @Companion Wulf Are you taking any plug-in suggestions at the moment? It's a plug-in that would display two messages at the same time instead of one. (e.g. Two dialogue boxes in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776.) while compatible with Yanfly's Message Core and Extended...
  11. RK DracoRoy

    Actor HP Face Changer

    Is there a plug-in out here that can change an actor's face depending on the percentage of HP? Like at 25% and 15% HP, I want the actors to change their face graphics to another face. Like I want this feature to be given to every actor you made in the RPG and of course, if their HP is not at the...
  12. RK DracoRoy

    Critical Hit Effects [Deleted]

    @Soul There's one problem. I'm using Yanfly's Critical Control plug-in along with the Critical Hit Effects plug-in, and as a result, the critical multiplier isn't shown, it'll return the same value as that of regular damage inflicted upon. It could be a compatibility issue. I'm totally certain...
  13. RK DracoRoy

    Yanfly's Animated SV Enemies: Change enemy weapon image depending on skill.

    @Zarsla Thank you very much! The solution pretty much involved making a couple of states and giving them weapon image notetags and of course, adding each state to the action sequences, for enemies to use different weapons.
  14. RK DracoRoy

    Yanfly's Animated SV Enemies: Change enemy weapon image depending on skill.

    I am using Yanfly's Animated SV Enemies plug-in. So what I'm trying to accomplish for the enemy actors is to have them use a different weapon image depending on the skill they're using during battle. What I'm really looking for is...
  15. RK DracoRoy

    Critical Hit Effects [Deleted]

    The file isn't available on your download link. Can you update it please?