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  1. shiolin

    Getting an error when i try an test play

    So I just started a new project and when I try an test play it i get this error ive never had issues with mv before i tried googling but nothing came up anyone know how to fix this issue
  2. shiolin

    Shiolin here

    Thinking of some type or shining force with some splashes of other games i enjoy :D That shinning force battle royale looks awesome ill prob give that ago this weekend :D
  3. shiolin

    Shiolin here

    Hello all my name is Shiolin i'm huge fan of RPGmakers and old school RPG style games. I really enjoy shinning force 1-2 and would love to play any games like it !
  4. shiolin

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    Ill join im new around here