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  1. Matriper

    FFVIII Draw System & Summons

    Hi! Maybe you've had time to figure out some of this by now, but here are a few ideas I had for your "draw" system : -First, the way i see it, your magics should be managed as items or pieces of equippement. Unless you find a plugin that allows you to do otherwise. -Draw from enemies : as you...
  2. Matriper

    Character that changes into monsters tutorial

    EDIT : I've realized that something isn't working properly : I wrote : "Enemy #1 -9999hp", while I really want "targeted enemy -9999hp" (+if all conditions are met...) So I guess i'll have to find some way around it... I guess it's all down to another damage formula + variable... EDIT2 : Ok...
  3. Matriper

    Character that changes into monsters tutorial

    Hi everyone. I'm new here and to MV as well. I've come up with an event that allows one of my characters to turn into monsters via an ability used in battle. I don't know if this will be of any use to anyone, and if not, please feel free to delete this post. Anyway. I created a character ...
  4. Matriper

    Hi! I'm new!

    Thanks for your welcome! Maybe if I finish a project (in French), you can try and play it. Anyway, for now I'm tinkering with things, trying tocome up with interesting mechanics....
  5. Matriper

    Hi! I'm new!

    Hi everyone! I'm new here and new to MV as well. I've tried VX ACE before, but never managed to finish a project... Hope I can do better this time. Anyway, thanks for the ressources! P.S. : I'm french. Est-ce qu'il y a d'autres français ici?
  6. Matriper

    New to MV

    New to MV