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  1. ezryrze

    Any game stories in need of critique? Come here!

    Thank you again! You're helping me a lot. A bunch of what you said is undeniably true. I've put a lot thought into the story, but I still need to storyboard and change things. This is mostly just an outline of what I want. The idea of a cult and a religion was definitely a bit of an easy way in...
  2. ezryrze

    Any game stories in need of critique? Come here!

    Thank you for this! Your comment was a lot of help, and I appreciate that. I've been thinking a lot about the actual game design lately, and a few of the issues you've mentioned definitely came up in my train of thought. You mentioned a lot that I might end up insulting or offending the player...
  3. ezryrze

    Any game stories in need of critique? Come here!

    Hey! So, this thread was originally for my own idea in need of critiquing, but I no longer with to have my idea up here! Due to this, I've changed the thread to a place for people to ask for critiquing and to post their ideas. Have fun.
  4. ezryrze

    Hmm.... Hello!

    Hello there! I'm brand new to this community. I also happen to be pretty new to the RPG Maker world. I love to write and create stories, and I adore every form of art, so it seemed perfect for me!