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  1. S

    Party Members

    I'm wondering how to solve this Let's say there is a leader of the party, then he gets knocked out. However, even though the HP = 0, the leader did not change into the other member, so as if he is still alive.
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    @CT_Bolt Absolutely
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    @CT_Bolt Thanks
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    @CT_Bolt thank you once more! I haven't think that far hahaha
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    @Amysaurus, sorry to trouble you, I did not even know where I posted this one. @CT_Bolt, thank you! However I also wanted some of the tile to have different type of passage(4 direction), like modifying SOME of the same tile to make it have different passage 4 direction as the other. For...
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    Is there a way to block the player from going to a tile through a spesific direction?
  7. S

    How to make the player facing right instead of left in battle?

    I think I get what you mean, thank you. Nevermind about the first question hahah. About changing the enemy size, I tried photoshop's changing image size but it does not work in the game. I tried to decrease the Bat size by 1/4th of it's original size but in the game it did not decrease at all...
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    How to make the player facing right instead of left in battle?

    I'm just curious how to change the position of the character. So usually we see that the player is in the right battling with the eneny at the left. However I feel that it does not fit my game. Is there any way so that the player is in the left and the enemy is on the right? Maybe like any...
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    Cyanide's Farm Tiles pt.1

    Thank you Cyanide, I hope it will be useful!
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    Thank you @Lore
  11. S

    How to make stats(HUD) using variables?

    So I've been wondering how to make stats using variables. Let's say that there is another stats other than HP, MP, and TP for example 'Chakra'. I want this Chakra as my variable and when this chakra reaches 0, the character turns into a ghost. I've been planning on using SumRndmDde's plugin...
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    Hi, I'm Steven. I just bought RMMV around last month, nice to meet you guys! I mostly used RMVX Ace trial version, but I will start using RMMV becaude the graphics are nice.