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Search results

  1. Azdak

    Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2000 Tracks

    And you have added an Ogg download button! And I thought it couldn't get much better! :D
  2. Azdak

    Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2000 Tracks

    You really are the best out there! I love your songs!!!
  3. Azdak

    Hi, I'm Chef

    I'm not sure how to delete stuff tbh sorry. Remmber to back up your work to a USB :)
  4. Azdak


    What is Admin-Retail?
  5. Azdak

    Hi, I'm Chef

    Sounds very cool, got any screen shots?
  6. Azdak

    Hello from foogle

    Hello foogle, have you started a game?
  7. Azdak

    Batman Here!

    Hello Batman, what did you think of Batgirl getting her own Netflix series? Were you ok with her taking your stuff from the Batcave?
  8. Azdak

    Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts, theories etc.

    I'm not an American :D You make far too many assumptions and call them truths.
  9. Azdak

    Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts, theories etc.

    Evolution, big bang, moon landing are all false propagandas? Do you also think we live on a flat Earth? I hate to tell you dude but you HAVE been brainwashed. You sound like a sheep! Also Lord Viṣṇu is NOT the Absolute Truth. It's all just a made up nonsense.
  10. Azdak

    Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts, theories etc.

    What did I just read??? Not sure if you know this but chanting is a Brainwashing Technique. Dude, a cult has brainwashed you.
  11. Azdak

    RPG Maker Science, Sorcery and Strength 1

    Science, Sorcery and Strength This is a place full of Science, Sorcery and Strength! A world full of choices and consequences. You choose what your character looks like. You choose what skills your characters has. You choose what you say in every conversation. You want to be nice, be nice. You...
  12. Azdak

    Science, Sorcery and Strength (Free Demo)

    Azdak submitted a new resource: Science, Sorcery and Strength - Demo Read more about this resource...
  13. Azdak


    Looks fantastic! Can I ask why did you pick the name "Duncaster"?
  14. Azdak

    What is your favourite spell from a Video Game?

    What spell have you had in a game that you had not seen before and you loved?
  15. Azdak

    Which Should I do?

    That is a tricky one! I am sorry to hear that some one cast a lightning spell on your hard drive! That is evil! (I hope you have a USB stick to back up your new work :) I feel your dilemma, I did something very similar as well. I spent hours and hours making my own animations on ACE (some times...
  16. Azdak

    Can you do more harm then good if you release a Demo early?

    When do you think is the best time to release a Demo of your project? Can you do more harm then good if you release it early? Do you think it's OK to release something that is still a working progress? Would it annoy you if the treasure chests were all empty and you could walk through bits of...
  17. Azdak

    Enjoy the weather :D

    Enjoy the weather :D
  18. Azdak

    Best marketing strategies

    There is a You-Tuber called Echo607 who made lots of RPG Maker videos with tips that I have watched. If for example she made a sponsored video I would watch it all knowing I would be supporting her. But I would not click on a random pop-up advertisement. (No, I do not want to download, game of...
  19. Azdak

    Best marketing strategies

    I like Video Promotion on You-Tube for example sponsoring a Youtuber something like this works for me. :) I do not like pop-up's, I hate them. Don't pay for pop-up :(