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Search results

  1. Mr. Open

    Glitched event animations

    I downloaded an animated boat and I was planning to use it but animations are glitchy and change from one boat to another, it changes between different sprites (not the ones it was meant to). How to fix this issue? I attached the .png file of the boat, hope that helps.
  2. Mr. Open

    Trigger - Action Button without dashing?

    Sorry, I had to get my computer fixed, it stopped working after it overheated. I'll be sure to make a quick demo that includes the scripts I had on in my project and copy the event there. I should put it up here in about one day or so, sorry for the wait. Edit: If you don't have the time to...
  3. Mr. Open

    Randomized NPC spawn locations

    Well, You're right I meant different spawn locations, but not certainly within only one map. But I already asked Galv whether it's even possible with his script, all I can do is wait for an answer.
  4. Mr. Open

    Just looking for a bed set

    There's also an FSM tileset which has all blankets available as separate tiles if that's what you're looking for. It doesn't have double beds, but I don't think it looks that bad when you use two single ones.
  5. Mr. Open

    Trigger - Action Button without dashing?

    Hello! It's me, yet again with another (I think) simple question, which probably does have a simple answer. I'm making a few events in the village I'm mapping to make the world a bit more interactive (i.e. a character interacting with a grave results in reading what's written on the gravestone)...
  6. Mr. Open

    Randomized NPC spawn locations

    Hello! Does anyone know how to make an NPC spawn in one location out of a specific pool randomly? (for example, you set up 5 possible spawn points, where each one has 20% spawn rate and NPC is present at only ONE of them). I want to make a unique set of enemies that would "escape" to another...
  7. Mr. Open

    Change of image background grid color?

    Oh my god, I was looking for it in the database, to be frank I forgot about a Tools bar.. (slanty)
  8. Mr. Open

    Change of image background grid color?

    tl;dr for some people - Is there a way to change the color(s) of the grid in the background on picture attached?
  9. Mr. Open

    Change of image background grid color?

    Hello! If you are slightly confused by my question I suggest looking at the image I attached to explain it more clearly (I have no idea what is the proper name of that grid, some people on a different forum have thought I'm talking about grid sizes in the game for some odd reason?). So, I've...
  10. Mr. Open

    Creating multi-level structures?

    Okay, that's it! Sorry for such a late reply, I had to repair my pc before doing any work or using the forum. (aww)
  11. Mr. Open

    Creating multi-level structures?

    Hello again! (blush) It's me with yet another problem I can't solve by myself... So, I was looking at one of the loaded maps (specifically a castle one, I'll include it as a file) and can't find a way to recreate a similar thing. This building clearly has levels, it has additional entrances on...
  12. Mr. Open

    Event Movement & Actions? [RMMV]

    Okay, now I have everything working juuuust fine~ I had some smaller problems with QMovement script, but I slightly changed the size of the character in this script and it's perfect. Your tutorials were also a huge help, I really appreciate that!
  13. Mr. Open

    Event Movement & Actions? [RMMV]

    Okay, I figured out what my mistake was, I didn't change the trigger (RIP my brain cells). Demo just confirms that it was necessary to change, my bad! Can you tell me one additional thing related to it? Can the event cause the player character to stop moving while NPC is moving towards him? I...
  14. Mr. Open

    Event Movement & Actions? [RMMV]

    Hello! It's me, yet again with another problem! (I think it's not the thing I should brag about.. (facepalm)) I was thinking about making an event, where an NPC moves towards my player and starts a necessary dialogue. However when I set the Autonomous Movement of my NPC to "Approach" the NPC...
  15. Mr. Open

    Borderless map? Need help.

    Now that's a really simple solution, I have no idea how I missed it.. (jolly) Thanks a lot! I see you have a lot of experience, can I ask some questions later if I get stuck with something again? (tongue)
  16. Mr. Open

    Borderless map? Need help.

    Hi! (heart) I'm looking for a way to make my map constantly repeated; without borders. What I mean is, the map would connected from all sides and whenever player crosses the "Western border" of the map he appears on the "Eastern border of the map". Is there a way to do so? (tongue) I haven't...
  17. Mr. Open

    Message text editing?

    Hello! I was trying to make my in-game messages more varied and I was wondering if there's a way to make the text or the dialogue box written in Bold or in Italics? If no, is there a script for RPG Maker MV enabling it? I know there was no such option in VX Ace, but there was a script made by...
  18. Mr. Open

    Converting Script from RMVX Ace to RMMV?

    Hello! I was trying to make a HUD based on a simple tutorial from RPG Maker VX Ace, but I got one problem with the script used in the common event. (Source/tutorial I've used) And here's the script that I cannot convert into RMMV format: mhp = $game_party.members[0].mhp hp =...
  19. Mr. Open

    Enemy sprites

    Hello! I'm looking for someone willing to make enemy sprites for my game project. Here's some details about the game I'm planning to make: A plot is happening in fantasy world, on an archipelago of floating islands, game will be focusing on monsters from European folklore, legends etc. More...
  20. Mr. Open

    Hello RPGMakerMV Forum Community!

    Hello everyone! I'm Open, new RPG Maker MV user, previously I was using VX Ace for a really short time and I hope I'll bring something new to your community!(cute) First post and I have a question already.. Well.. Question: Can anyone tell me how to make an "insta-killing" spell? I decided to...