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  1. Diremane

    Using variables as Stats

    Of course, I just didn't think to consider battle transitions. Sorry for any confusion, I was just trying to toss out an idea OP might not have considered.
  2. Diremane

    Using variables as Stats

    That's true, about battles. I may have misunderstood the request; I thought the only concern was getting the proper values to show in the main menu, and variables were only being used because the stats couldn't be directly assigned otherwise, only increased/decreased.
  3. Diremane

    Using variables as Stats

    Actually, if I understand what you want correctly, I think it is technically possible with events alone--it just requires a ton of maintenance. Change Parameters allows you to alter your stats by an amount defined by a variable, and variables can be set to a character's current stats, so what...
  4. Diremane

    Plugin parameter returning "true" when set to "false"?

    @Soul, ahh it's really cool to hear from you, I dove into all this with your youtube tutorials just a few days ago and that's where I've learned just about everything I know, haha. Thanks for the tip! Having to store a string and check for "true" every time felt like unnecessary work compared to...
  5. Diremane

    Plugin parameter returning "true" when set to "false"?

    So wouldn't it always become equal to itself? Or--Oh wait, so when it's established, there's nothing in that variable for it to equal, right? So it becomes an empty object, which is later filled in further down the script--but at that point it's identified, so the next script I write that...
  6. Diremane

    Plugin parameter returning "true" when set to "false"?

    Oh wow! Took a minute to digest it all, but that was super helpful, thanks a ton! I'm not quite sure I understand the purpose of the "|| {}" at the end of some of the lines here. Sorry if that's a dumb question; I've learned everything I know by seeing it done, so far. Seems an easy enough...
  7. Diremane

    Plugin parameter returning "true" when set to "false"?

    I think I understand. I had thought that Boolean(params['Bounce'] || false) meant it would grab the first value in the parentheses that returned a boolean, which I guess was a misunderstanding; so with (Boolean(params['Bounce']) == 'true') it's checking the entered parameter to see if it is the...
  8. Diremane

    Plugin parameter returning "true" when set to "false"?

    @Run, so to be sure I'm understanding this right...the parameters being entered as "true" and "false" aren't being taken as boolean values, but as strings? Is there no way to enter a boolean value into the plugin manager, then? Just want to make sure I know what I did wrong. Thanks for the...
  9. Diremane

    Howdy folk!

    Thanks! I'm still learning, but I do have a ton of ideas based on what I do know. Hope I don't disappoint!
  10. Diremane

    Howdy folk!

    Oh, I see it now, thanks! and Run, if you still wanted to take a look, I've posted the script here.
  11. Diremane

    Plugin parameter returning "true" when set to "false"?

    So first I should probably mention I'm completely new to scripting in any form, and all my knowledge comes from video tutorials and a small amount of online research. I've been trying to apply what I learn and do something more than what I was shown with it, to be sure I'm actually learning...
  12. Diremane

    Howdy folk!

    Oh wow, thanks everyone! I'll head over to Support, then, and maybe I'll ask eivl to take a look at it there? (Is there a PM system I'm overlooking?) And Run, I'll drop a link here once I've posted it in case you'd still like to take a look.
  13. Diremane

    Howdy folk!

    New here, hadn't touched an RPG Maker since XP but figured I'd pick it back up as a hobby so here I am. I've also never scripted before, but I'm very interested in learning Javascript as it applies to the engine, so I picked up a copy of Javascript for Dummies and have been following video...