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Search results

  1. Psycoris

    Side Mission Ideas?!?

    Recess mini game for middle school or elementary. I could see a playground map transforming into an onscreen dungeon with lava and obstacles that kids imagine. Playing "catch the goblin" aka tag. Different outcomes depending on who he catches. Could even set it up to track number of times he...
  2. Psycoris

    Behavior Help

    I think this is what you are looking for Add a move to command to the event that is forcing the animation. Select the event or player that needs animating from the drop down in the upper left. stepping on wait (not sure how long for one animation) Stepping off This will make the sprite...
  3. Psycoris

    Behavior Help

    Are you looking to make a walking sprite "slide" with a locked facing and no stepping animation?
  4. Psycoris

    My Short Games Story

    Sounds like a good start to RPGMaker. Not to many maps. Simple concept Dialogue driven RPG Clue. Look forward to hear how this is coming.
  5. Psycoris

    Selling Sunlight - Narrative traveling merchant RPG

    Okay I'm sold. Beautiful concept art as well as inspired by work I am personally a fan of. Can't wait to see more.
  6. Psycoris

    "Search/Salvage Item" Skill

    No problem glad I could help.
  7. Psycoris

    "Search/Salvage Item" Skill

    Gotcha, Okay well working from my phone here so forgive some skewing of terms. I would set a skill to run a common event. Common event: Set a variable to a random number Set if else statements to check the variable. This allows randomization or probability to get an item. In each of the...
  8. Psycoris

    "Search/Salvage Item" Skill

    I think you are looking for this. It makes the actor wait a set amount of turns before using a skill. This is a Victor engine plugin the example video is of a skill charging up, essentially the same result.
  9. Psycoris

    Graphics Looking for constructive criticism

    Very Nice work for a first parallax. Good use of breaking the standard grid. Critique cobblestone paths tend to become overgrown. I would switch that to dirt or change the cobblestone to become more defined and pronounced with a fixed width and more of a pronounced edge. A tip to consider...
  10. Psycoris

    Script request: Modular Maps - would this be possible?

    Food for though, you can use the EST "event spawner plugin", Galv has one as well, and set each of the building images to an event. When you set certain Triggers you can have a different event spawn containing the image of the "reconstructed" building. You could also build the buildings in the...
  11. Psycoris

    Sprites Need some feedback on these Undertale Weapon Sprites

    I like them the lines are crisp for the angles, One thing that stands out that could help the flatness is highlights and shadows, I think that is why your real knife looks the best is the contrast between the blade and the details. If you can bring that contrast to the other sprites it would...
  12. Psycoris

    Script request: Modular Maps - would this be possible?

    This script already exists I think, well in a form I think you might be able to use. estriole has a build and decor series of plugins. The demo is in the link check it out see if it might be something you can use...
  13. Psycoris

    Graphics Advice needed for refinement

    Well with my limited time contrast and shadows to me means I needed to work on my color pallet some more. A bunch of attempts later, and some practice with some smaller assets this is the progress so far on a forest tile set. Everything is confined within the standard grid. Feel free to...
  14. Psycoris

    Idea for my game

    There are lots of game types and styles. What are your strengths ex: pixel art spriting, eventing, music comosition, Mapping, scripting. Is there a certain genre you like horror fantasy Sci fi? From there we can help you a bit more.
  15. Psycoris

    Arctic Fox Actor

    That is quite a bit. Avy has a white wolf with the full complement you are looking for that could be substituted. Just needs the bandana edit. Check it out. Whtdragon has a base fox sprite. There are some foreign sites...
  16. Psycoris

    Graphics Advice needed for refinement

    Thanks for the input. The leafed version definitely needs some canopy shadow. I can see now that the main trunk needs some more shadow in front of the upper right main limb to make it appear as it is more behind instead of just sticking out the side. Practice practice lol.
  17. Psycoris

    Arctic Fox Actor

    Are you looking for a sprite or a bust or both?
  18. Psycoris

    Graphics Advice needed for refinement

    Okay I have been attempting to create some graphic resources particularly starting with trees. I am just running into the issue where they look more watercolor painted style than pixel art. I am attempting to get something closer to PandaMaru and Ceilanna the refined pixel art style. The tree...
  19. Psycoris

    Can i change an Event Image without using a switch, variable or second event page

    Well I saw this plugin allows you to change an events sprite to that of an actor. If you can sift through the plugin it would have to reference the event image somewhere to replace it. I am still to new to javascript myself to be of much direct use...
  20. Psycoris

    Arctic Fox Actor

    You should check out hiddenone's MV Resource Warehouse. She has a collection of Anthro sprite parts. You should be able to get close with the wolf or the tiger one. You can alway do small touchups to color or whatever in your favorite editor.