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  1. Kotori

    MV is now out for the ones who preordered at the rpg maker store~

    MV is now out for the ones who preordered at the rpg maker store~
  2. Kotori

    Pre ordered MV like when it was available to pre order ^~^♥ Hype~

    Pre ordered MV like when it was available to pre order ^~^♥ Hype~
  3. Kotori

    Kotori's Ask Meow Anything~ ^~^

    Kaduki meow *_* It has to be Kaduki xD and 2nd fave is default~
  4. Kotori

    Amy's Campaign

    Go Amy~ Go go go~ *rises pom poms* ^~^ You have my support
  5. Kotori

    Kotori's Ask Meow Anything~ ^~^

    But the urge to sprite xD Ahahaha~ Yup, expect a lot of cats and kittens ^~^
  6. Kotori

    Kotori's Ask Meow Anything~ ^~^

    Yes, but it failed :3 It's called Dreams and Nightmare *secretly wants to remake it from scratch and improve it significantly* One of the reasons why I haven't released a good RM game is the fact that I keep making sprites for other people than myself xD But it's alright~ I love spriting~ :3
  7. Kotori

    Kotori's Ask Meow Anything~ ^~^

    I'm making a game on VX Ace (mostly database) so I'm planning to convert it to MV ^~^
  8. Kotori

    Kotori's Ask Meow Anything~ ^~^

    Awwww~ I'm not offended or anything ^~^♥
  9. Kotori

    Kotori's Ask Meow Anything~ ^~^

    I like how they seem so cool *_* Plus they are so cute with their meows ^~^ Ehhhh..... O_O
  10. Kotori

    A... M.... A? (Seriel)

    So if I play a virtual mmo my chances of getting my own reverse harem is high?
  11. Kotori

    Yay~ Congratulations @[17:@LTN Games] ~ ^~^ I'm sure you'll be a great mod~

    Yay~ Congratulations @[17:@LTN Games] ~ ^~^ I'm sure you'll be a great mod~
  12. Kotori

    A... M.... A? (Seriel)

    Is it true that you have a harem because you were playing a virtual mmo?
  13. Kotori

    Kotori's Ask Meow Anything~ ^~^

    Sadly I can only understand a teensy tiny amount of spanish words :3 But nope, I'm more of a mixed on XD Yes~ ^~^ She's my favorite character plus we both love lolipops~ ^~^ I like dogs especially the small breeds~ But I love cats more~ ^~^
  14. Kotori

    Kotori's Ask Meow Anything~ ^~^

    I meow at them as well~ ^~^♥ We are having a cat to cat talk~ I own one cat~ A black domestic cat~ :3 Yup, I am wearing two light pink socks ^~^
  15. Kotori

    Kotori's Ask Meow Anything~ ^~^

    I like the typical domestic cat/ house cat ^~^♥
  16. Kotori

    Kotori's Ask Meow Anything~ ^~^

    Yes, I sprite stuff ^~^ I began spriting since late 2013 Yup~ But I don't actually share my digi arts as frequently than my sprites
  17. Kotori

    Kotori's Ask Meow Anything~ ^~^

    My real name is Nicole Ramirez :3
  18. Kotori

    Mod Campaign Has Begun!!

    I'll choose Amy :3 @Tsukihime, yes policies on kittens must be a hot topic
  19. Kotori

    Kotori's Ask Meow Anything~ ^~^

    I shall join the bandwagon meow~ ^~^ But I dunno if someone would actually ask me anything meow :3
  20. Kotori

    MV Character Gallery

    I like Eisele... Because she looks annoying and cute at the same time~ I also made my own story with the MV characters xD