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  1. Chakravanti

    Seeking advice on tile conversion and design

    Thanks for the fast reply! I've looked into several ways to scale them myself, I just want to make sure I do it the right way. I'll look at that thread right away.
  2. Chakravanti

    Seeking advice on tile conversion and design

    I am looking to do a kind of cyberpunk/noir game for my first project and I picked up the modern and future tile sets for VX ace as well as ace just to get my hands on those tilesets for use in MV. I've watched the tutorial for Shaz's converter, but it seemed like that converter is meant to...
  3. Chakravanti

    Hello, I am Chakravanti

    I'm just a guy with a bunch of software, ideas, and an attitude. I am planning to make most of my own art resources and UI for a game, but I am just getting started. The train doesn't even have wheels yet. I don't know where the station is. Can I drive this thing without a track? WHERE AM I