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  1. Winras

    The moment you've all been waiting for,,,again

    I will give it a try! :) One think I would tell you to change ( I have just seen the screenshoots! ) is to make the maps not so bigs, sometimes something little, is better than huge, I will tell you in the next days how was the game!
  2. Winras

    Calm Theme

    It is just... beautiful
  3. Winras

    Music Kaimen's MV Music Pack

    Really good news! but an artist should earn money with their jobs...
  4. Winras

    Hello from Spain

    Badbye o.O
  5. Winras

    Hello from Spain

    Obviously pikachu is moaning! XD And yes! Spain is a really beautiful place :) I live in the south (Malaga)
  6. Winras

    Hello from Spain

    XD merry Christmas by the way
  7. Winras

    Music Kaimen's MV Music Pack

    Yeah! Don't worry, I know that an artist needs to get paid for their job. I am a pirate, but only with the bad guys, and you are a nice! Ar! :P
  8. Winras

    Hello from Spain

    Hey! Is not like THAT late, we are still in 2015 lol. And thanks! PS: yeah, the avatar is really great, a shame that you can't see the full gif :(
  9. Winras

    Hello from Spain

    Thanks! I hope to be helpful in this forum :)
  10. Winras

    Hello from Spain

    Hey! Yeah! Thanks and the same here! If you have any question I will try to help :)
  11. Winras

    Music Kaimen's MV Music Pack

    Woaaah, sorry! Yeah!! I was talking about your "MV music pack" I thought I was in that one hahaha i have just mistaken the window u.u.
  12. Winras

    D'Art FV Battlers - Adult Succubus

    Download link isn't working :(
  13. Winras

    Hello from Spain

    Aye aye captain! Thanks for the welcome :)
  14. Winras

    Hello from Spain

    Yeah! I always liked this world, its way more hard than it looks like, but it is totally worth it. Thanks for the reply!
  15. Winras

    Hello from Spain

    Hello! New in RPGM world, but starting to study 'game developing' and starting projects with an engineering friend, very grateful to enter into such a wonderful forum. Long life to RPG games :)
  16. Winras

    Music Kaimen's MV Music Pack

    Hello from Spain! Just to say that your job is really awesome. If you don't mind, I will use it in my first non commercial game. I have just started in the world of 'game developing', but actually, I am taking it like a job, and this next year is going to be my studies, so I hope that you keep...