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  1. Zephyrim

    Help needed!

    I see how that would work, yeah! How do you create the name-changing event, though? Is that the "Name Input Processing..."?
  2. Zephyrim

    Help needed!

    Okay, so I'm creating a futuristic game where there are doors that the player must find passwords for in order to open them. Is there any way to pull up a number pad in-game for the player to select numbers which is then run through a program to check if the number entered matches the password...
  3. Zephyrim


    Hope everyone reading this has a great day! ^-^
  4. Zephyrim

    Damage Formulas 101 (MV Edition)

    Yo! So I'm adding a skill into the game which kills an enemy when it's HP is 15% or less, and heals the user for half the enemy's MHP. So far I have this: if (b.hp <= (b.mhp*0.15)) b.hp; else 0; But I'd like to know where/how to add the "gainHp(b.mhp*0.5)" into it. I know some basic JS and...