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  1. Xamusel

    Nice to meet you all... I think

    Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it. :)
  2. Xamusel

    Nice to meet you all... I think

    Well, to be fair, I've started a lot of them... still need to decide what to fully work on.
  3. Xamusel

    Is book-type stuff allowed in this section?

    Okay, thanks for the confirmation, Xyphien. :)
  4. Xamusel

    AXA (otherwise known as Ask Xamusel Anything)

    Hmm... that sounds like it'd be a tough choice on my end. Personally, it's a toss-up between the Kingdom Hearts series and the Super Robot Wars franchise, though I don't think you meant that.
  5. Xamusel

    AXA (otherwise known as Ask Xamusel Anything)

    @Xyphien Two things: 1, I think it was a video by the UnproPro that actually got me to join. 2, do you really want a knuckle sandwich? @Required Pizza is my favorite food.
  6. Xamusel

    Nice to meet you all... I think

    True. I understand that. Just wanted to make sure I didn't accidentally spam the place.
  7. Xamusel

    Updated Romance Feature for latest RPG Maker MV version?

    You see, I'm looking for an up to date version of what UnProPro shared on the forum under MV 1.3, or for a version made by someone else that is up to date with RMMV. It's for an as yet unspecified project I'm developing. If anyone has any clues as to where to look for this, please, post here.
  8. Xamusel

    Nice to meet you all... I think

    Thanks. :) ...and I might already have a thread for this exact purpose on here from the RPGMakerMV website days.
  9. Xamusel

    Is book-type stuff allowed in this section?

    Y'see, I'm an author, though most of my works are fanfic (actually, almost all of my works are fanfic, which I'm hoping to correct). Therefore, I figured I'd ask about the policy of posting such stuff, even if it's just referral links to them.
  10. Xamusel

    Hmm... this looks to be pretty interesting. I might have to stick around.

    Hmm... this looks to be pretty interesting. I might have to stick around.
  11. Xamusel

    AXA (otherwise known as Ask Xamusel Anything)

    ...well, except for the truly private details, like my SSN or related. I will not comment on those questions. However, I'll be able to preempt one particular question, by asking this: Credit Card? What credit card?
  12. Xamusel

    Activity Contest!

    I'm in. I'll be working my tail off (metaphorically) to get more activity here.
  13. Xamusel

    Nice to meet you all... I think

    Wait, why did I post the title to be that? Is it possible I regret meeting you all? ... ... ... *pfft* I'm just messing with you guys. It's really good to be a true member of this forum. I'd been around for somewhere around a year or so (I think? Maybe) on the RPGMakerMV site. It wasn't a...
  14. Xamusel

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    Hmm... I'm in. Solo for right now. ...question. How do we submit the games?
  15. Xamusel

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    Honestly? I need to focus on this contest entry of mine, for this particular contest, before I forget that I'm supposed to work on it... I have a lot of work to do for a lot of stuff.
  16. Xamusel

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    @MinisterJay Okay, I get it, I won't compare my life with yours and think my circumstances are unfair. In fact, I won't play the "it's not fair" card again, not unless I have a very legit reason for it (which, as of right now, I don't).
  17. Xamusel

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    Well... to be blunt? Not all of us can focus on making games as much as possible. I'm more of an author these days than when I started out with creating entertaining stories... which, granted, weren't as high-quality as I'd like.
  18. Xamusel

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    I hope so, guys, because it wouldn't be fair otherwise.
  19. Xamusel

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    ...crap. I don't have my game anywhere near ready yet. Sorry, guys, won't be able to finish by the deadline.
  20. Xamusel

    Xam's AMA (almost) Thread

    Okay, this thread is for those who want to ask me things, as in almost anything. There are a few things I'd prefer that you didn't ask. Don't ask me about my worldviews as determined by religion or science (I'm a Free Methodist-branch Christian). Don't ask me about which Kamen Rider is the...