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  1. PixelMister

    Unnamed Game - Plot Discussion

    Hello everybody! I've started to get back into RPG development again; and I just wondered if I could get critique on my preliminary story introduction? Any criticism, no matter how small - would be greatly appreciated!
  2. PixelMister

    I'm back!

    Hey people! I'm PixelMister and I used to be a member when the site first opened, but I had to stop visiting due to university commitments. But I'm finally back and ready to get back into the Rpg Maker World.
  3. PixelMister

    I'm back!

    I'm back!
  4. PixelMister

    Any ideas for Water?

    Any ideas for Water?
  5. PixelMister

    Trying to break naming traditions for spells. All I can come up with it adding the prefix of...

    Trying to break naming traditions for spells. All I can come up with it adding the prefix of Dual and Tri - So Dualflame and Trifrost
  6. PixelMister

    Trouble with MV (Windows 10)

    Steam Version didn't fix the problem - it was nothing to do with MV itself it appears. The program wouldn't load fully from steam either. I had a look at my graphics driver and it was up-to-date. However I believe it was a bios update which fixed things. This thread can be closed now.
  7. PixelMister

    Trouble with MV (Windows 10)

    I tried updating using the files that Archaeia supplied over on RPG Maker Web (I use the Standalone Version, as I don't like Steam). It still not working, and occasionally comes up with the error of I'll try the Steam Version due to automatic updates.
  8. PixelMister

    Trouble with MV (Windows 10)

    Hi Guys! I just wondered if anyone had a solution to this problem. As you normally do, you start up the program by clicking on the icon on the taskbar/start menu/ desktop - whatever... However with Rpg Maker MV - I get a little loading box, which I've had ever since I've used the program...
  9. PixelMister

    Back from Hiatus

    Hi guys! Just to let everyone know, I'm now back and I will be posting as usual. I had a lot of family things going on and just ran out of time.
  10. PixelMister

    Tileset PixelMaster's World Map Expansion

    Thanks everyone! I will keep adding materials to this as I make them.
  11. PixelMister

    Posted some World Map Resources for MV

    Posted some World Map Resources for MV
  12. PixelMister

    Tileset PixelMaster's World Map Expansion

    Hi guys! As with VX and VX Ace, I felt that the tiles available for world maps was rather limited. MV is a bit better due to having the Sci-Fi tiles available, however I felt for traditional RPG's, that the Sci-Fi tiles wouldn't be too useful. Well, fear not! I have decided, as I did with the...
  13. PixelMister


    Glad to see people using this, the PSD will probably be available on Monday.
  14. PixelMister

    A Sandbox Area

    Hmm, I don't feel that it does cover it personally. I mean I see Plot and Theory, as a way to experiment and work on ideas and stuff, I'm talking about having that already, yet not having other things. I feel that the Showroom, is for games with a decent amount of progress, and that mixing the...
  15. PixelMister

    A Sandbox Area

    Hi guys! I was thinking, that within the Game Design Section of the forums, there should be a sandbox sub-forum, for projects which are just starting, and haven't got much to show except for information (even lacking in screenshots), these can then be moved to Showcase, once they have gathered...
  16. PixelMister

    Off for the night now guys!

    Off for the night now guys!
  17. PixelMister

    Kotori's Ask Meow Anything~ ^~^

    YAY! Animal lover :D
  18. PixelMister

    Congrats @[17:@LTN Games] on becoming a Mod!

    Congrats @[17:@LTN Games] on becoming a Mod!
  19. PixelMister

    Kotori's Ask Meow Anything~ ^~^

    What do you think of...... DOGS?!?!
  20. PixelMister

