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  1. Gixkai

    Rpg maker not working at all

    Nonthing. I only made it to test the transfer.
  2. Gixkai

    Rpg maker not working at all

    They happen at diffrent points in the game. Some right at the start sometimes its a hour in. I dont wanna put work into another game only to have it break in the middle. I'm using rtp maps, i dont know how to parallax map.
  3. Gixkai

    Rpg maker not working at all

  4. Gixkai

    Rpg maker not working at all

    What I meant is on one of the maps there are no events just ground. On other maps have npcs and stuff. I've tried transfering to them all. I just took out the plugins and same thing happened.
  5. Gixkai

    Rpg maker not working at all

    There are no events on the map. And when i say walk in place, I mean stepping animation on for all npcs and player and I'm using alot of plugins.
  6. Gixkai

    Rpg maker not working at all

    So I walked back to the begin It seems to be any map I've tried 4 maps one of them had nonthing but ground on it. When it freezes everything seems normal they still walk in place they just wont move. I just tried walking back to the beginning of the map and that transfer took me to the next...
  7. Gixkai

    Rpg maker not working at all

    It gets all wonky and slow for a secound the stepping animations still work but you can't click on anything. move or go to the menu screen.
  8. Gixkai

    Rpg maker not working at all

    The transfer takes you to a room with no auto run or parallel events just action button.
  9. Gixkai

    Rpg maker not working at all

    It's different games and I always close the events with either erase or just control switches. One of them was a transfer event and i started chabging where the transfer took you but every time it would freeze up.
  10. Gixkai

    Rpg maker not working at all

    I keep getting this error where the game freezes after a event, usually the first one of the game. When I click f8 on the pixi thing i click on it and it takes me to some code thing and the line highlighted says " window.console.logapply(console, args); //jhint ignore.line" I keep starting new...
  11. Gixkai

    Party System

    I put them in order, same error.
  12. Gixkai

    Party System

    That could be it I don't know. I'm probblly gonna just start over with a new game lol. This all frustrating.
  13. Gixkai

    Party System

  14. Gixkai

    Party System

    I'm getting "property of length undefined" again. moving it around didn't help.
  15. Gixkai

    Party System

    Thank you. I installed the plugin but I keep getting a error "cannot read property length of undefined"
  16. Gixkai

    Party System

    I'm having trouble with yanfly's party system plugin. It only lets me have a party of 3 members even though I have it set to default. Anyone else have this problem?