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  1. DaedraKyne

    Item Limit

    DaedraKyne submitted a new resource: Item Limit - Sets an item/weapon/armor's limit. Read more about this resource...
  2. DaedraKyne

    RPG Maker Item Limit 1.0

    New plugin! Yay! Ever wanted to set a limit on any of your items/weapons/armors? Well, now you can! (And you don't even have to use plugin commands or script calls every time you want to add an item, just use the pre-made event command!) So here's how it works: Set up the custom error...
  3. DaedraKyne

    Player VS Event position plugin

    DaedraKyne submitted a new resource: Player VS Event position plugin - This plugin compares the position of the player and an event. Although it's very simple, it's also e Read more about this resource...
  4. DaedraKyne

    RPG Maker Player VS Event position plugin 2017-09-30

    Player VS Event position plugin This plugin compares the position of the player and an event. Although it's very simple, it's also extremely useful! Imagine you want to check if the player is on the left of an event. How would you do that in RMMV? Unless you use an extremely complicated...
  5. DaedraKyne

    TheUnproPro's minimap old plugin edited, works!

    DaedraKyne submitted a new resource: TheUnproPro's minimap old plugin edited, works! - Need a minimap plugin, but can't find a working one? Well, I found one for you! Read more about this resource...
  6. DaedraKyne

    RPG Maker TheUnproPro's minimap old plugin edited, works! 1.0

    TheUnproPro's minimap plugin old version WORKS, EVEN WITH OTHER PLUGINS!! So, I was searching around the web for a good minimap plugin, or any working minimap plugin at all, actually! However, any minimap plugin out there seemed to have some bugs D: So I searched around for TheUnproPro's...
  7. DaedraKyne

    [RMMV] How do you make an event with the default 2-graphics bed as sprite and move it?

    Yeah, it did :) Just I needed it on an autorun, and forgot to mention :face_palm_ sry xD I messed with the system and after a few hours I just used my brain and *sort of* managed to fix the problem, even though I created an infinite loop in the process so yeah, and I raged and close RMMV. I'll...
  8. DaedraKyne

    Thanks for re-opening it! There's just one problem: "(You have insufficient privileges to reply...

    Thanks for re-opening it! There's just one problem: "(You have insufficient privileges to reply here.)" :( sorry to waste your time for me
  9. DaedraKyne

    Hey! Could you please re-open "[RMMV] How do you make an event with the default 2-graphics bed...

    Hey! Could you please re-open "[RMMV] How do you make an event with the default 2-graphics bed as sprite and move it?"? What TheUnproPro said only helped if you use the action button, so when I try to autorun, it just won't work :( Thx, have a good day!
  10. DaedraKyne

    [RMMV] How do you make an event with the default 2-graphics bed as sprite and move it?

    Oh ok! xD IT WORKED! YIPYYY! well, see you next time, and thank you for the advice, dear sir! x)
  11. DaedraKyne

    [RMMV] How do you make an event with the default 2-graphics bed as sprite and move it?

    Thanks, I'll try that right now! Um, I've got bad news... It didn't work.
  12. DaedraKyne

    Thx! :) I managed to post it in the support part, feel free to answer ;)

    Thx! :) I managed to post it in the support part, feel free to answer ;)
  13. DaedraKyne

    [RMMV] How do you make an event with the default 2-graphics bed as sprite and move it?

    Hey guys! So I guess the title says it all. I was continuing the creation of my game when I wanted to make a secret door or floor which would activate. I first wanted to do it with a wall that disappears, but that didn't actually work at all, so I went for the easy "push the bed and tadaa hole...
  14. DaedraKyne

    STUPID QUESTION INCOMMING!! How do you make a new post? I've been searching for an answer for...

    STUPID QUESTION INCOMMING!! How do you make a new post? I've been searching for an answer for about an hour xD
  15. DaedraKyne

    Greetings All

    You bought RPG Maker MV today too? Nice coincidence, me too ;) Did you give the demo a try before buying it, though? Because it seems like you just spent 36.99€ without even checking (rofl).
  16. DaedraKyne

    New member arrived: THE GAMER!!

    xD Nice one! I'll try watching some tutorials.
  17. DaedraKyne

    New member arrived: THE GAMER!!

    @Jodis , thanks so much! What you did was really nice, and fits perfectly with the theme. With that, the request for the policeman is closed, and the class was outstanded by the project you guys helped me make! 20/20 isn't really nothing, actually :P Oh, by the waym, I aready started creating a...
  18. DaedraKyne

    New member arrived: THE GAMER!!

    Thanks everybody! I decided to stick to the manga style, as suggested by @Juneberry. I'm now currently in search of police parts for the generator, but I seem unable to find any. Oh, and the project is for tomorrow, so, yeah, if you could fine something, that'd be awesome!
  19. DaedraKyne

    New member arrived: THE GAMER!!

    Thanks! I'll try doing just that then. xD Appreciate it! The resource request? Do you think I could get an answer today? x) Anyways, I'll just make a custom hairstyle or get a good one from the resources then :P Thanks!
  20. DaedraKyne

    New member arrived: THE GAMER!!

    Hey there, all of you rpg maker pros! I have a lot of projects in mind, but can't do it at all without you guys' help, so if you could help, it'd be wonderful ;) I'm a young member, and a bit of a newbie at rpg maker mv, so yeah, don't expect much for now XD If you want someone to test your...