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  1. RedPrince

    A long time in the making

    Hello there, RedEmpire Studio here. I've been working on a game in the past few months, and it's given me lots of trouble, but now I'm at a point where I'm starting to learn how to implement custom pixel art, so my flexibility as a RM MV maker really took a boost, it's not perfect work, but its...
  2. RedPrince

    The Legend of the Dragons Bane is now in development, or rather has been for a good 7 months or...

    The Legend of the Dragons Bane is now in development, or rather has been for a good 7 months or so...So yeah. :) More to come soon.
  3. RedPrince

    Working on a new game. It will be an ABS style open world RPG. It's a non commercial game, and...

    Working on a new game. It will be an ABS style open world RPG. It's a non commercial game, and I'm just doing it for fun. :) More soon!
  4. RedPrince

    Hopefully here for the long haul. :D

    Hey, Noct here. :) Thank you guys for your modest opinions. I was somewhat second guessing my mapping and do agree that these may be a bit large for anyone to fathom. Some aspects look more focused than others too, which is why I have come to a choice to keep this project but massively revise...
  5. RedPrince

    Hopefully here for the long haul. :D

    Hello, This is rpgnocisxv making my introduction. I am thankful to be part of the community and hope to one day further the cause of rpg making madness! :D Currently working on a project with lots of passion and ideas, but i have little to no experience in this and any helpful...