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  1. Balter

    Music Feedbacks for my OST?

    Hi, I kindda confused between this two version. not really much different, though, but, tell me what you think about this? :)
  2. Balter

    Edge of The Rainbow

    Balter submitted a new resource: Edge of The Rainbow - music, soundtrack, relax Read more about this resource...
  3. Balter

    Edge of The Rainbow 2016-10-15

    preview of the song : Hope it fits your RPG :) rules : just credit me Balter186 and tell me if you use it in your game want to play it too
  4. Balter


    thank you, guys. I hope I can share more with you in the future^^ well, actually I just borrowing the name "Odin" from that myth. Because I don't really know about the mythology so just trying to play safe. Odin here is an anima of a king in the ancient time, back then when people still know...
  5. Balter


    Balter updated BGM with a new update entry: Added : Ghosts Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Balter

    BGM - Added : Ghosts

    This actually is a project for my novel, but I think I will use this for my RPG. I put it here if someone might want it too. please credit me if you use this in your game :)
  7. Balter


    Balter submitted a new resource: BGM "Bliss" - beat song Preview : Read more about this resource...
  8. Balter

    BGM 2016-09-30

    Hey, I'm creating music for fun and want to share some. Please credit me if you use this in your project :) it's a light beat music, I don't have any purpose where this music should be (battle or field), but I hope it could be good enough for your game :) it's in .ogg because I use windows
  9. Balter


    I'm Balter I'm a big fan of Final Fantasy, especialy 12 and 8. my current project is currently named "Odin's Wrath" Glad to be here!