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  1. Nelsares

    Error after installing the game if not run as admin

    I do get an error when i go to options then press the escape button when I run the game in normal (not as administrator) mode and I can't save, it gives me a buzzer sound. But when I run it as admin everything is fine. This is after installing not the deployed mode. What I did is deployed the...
  2. Nelsares

    State rate and Attack state in weapons - Difference

    I don't really understand the difference of these two and no guides are available online. They both apply the state to an enemy when you use the weapon of course it depends on the percentage but they are the same?
  3. Nelsares

    Deployment - Installer

    Hey thanks a lot I'll try this. I wish the admin won't close this post in case that someone might recommend better :D this Inno setup is easy to use but the file size is big hope there's better
  4. Nelsares

    Deployment - Installer

    Hey I just want to know how to make a single installer (setup file) for my game. I only know the deployment option but I need an installer where the player just needs to click next next then it will install itself just like a regular game
  5. Nelsares

    can't save after battle

    Hi, thank you man here is the plugin
  6. Nelsares

    can't save after battle

    thank you very much ill try that, but what if i dont want to remove that plugin? can I have a fix for that? I tried to use this circular json plugin because hime said it fixes the loop but it only changed the error I found the plugin responsible for this haha I can afford to let it go but if...
  7. Nelsares

    can't save after battle

    I can save whenever wherever except after a battle it goes on and plays the error sound i cant save at any slot. please help here is my error log
  8. Nelsares

    autosave plugin

    Hi does anyone here have an autosave plugin where for every 5 mins or every map change the game will autosave the only autosaves i saw are for vxace and the ones that needs plugin command. I want an automatic one. thanks in advance
  9. Nelsares

    Elemental sprites and SV battlers

    Hi I want to request for elemental sprites like fire golems or water monster just anything 'cause I just need some elemental enemies. I prefer to have a complete battler with all kinds of motion but a static SV battler will do also :D thanks in advance comrades
  10. Nelsares

    Earthquake effect help

    So I'm trying to make an animation that is similar to earthquake since the context is there's an explosion inside the cave and i want smoke coming out of the cave opening and some falling rocks. I only managed to do the sound effect and the shake screen.
  11. Nelsares

    Karma meter and attraction meter request

    Hi thanks for your reply that made me think about things, I think it would be better if the karma will be displayed outside since the karma for all character is the same so the hassle of clicking status then choosing a character will be negated here is the screenshot and the arrow indicates the...
  12. Nelsares

    Karma meter and attraction meter request

    Sorry for the late reply, I want the karma to be displayed in the status of every character and the karma and the value will be coming from the "Karma" variable
  13. Nelsares

    Karma meter and attraction meter request

    Hi does anyone here have a karma meter and attraction plugin that will display the karma points and attraction points of the player so he can look if his karma is enough to convince an NPA or his attraction points is enough to marry a specific character
  14. Nelsares

    Industrial tileset (buildings, decorations, etc.)

    Sorry but I already looked at those posts :(
  15. Nelsares

    Industrial tileset (buildings, decorations, etc.)

    I'm asking for a free tileset I'm not sure if this is okay but if you got industrial tileset like factories, cogs, machines, etc. please lend me I'll give you credits. I'm just a student and this is for a school project and I can't afford to buy tileset sorry
  16. Nelsares

    dropping item animation

    Wow I never thought of that thanks I'll try that bro! :D
  17. Nelsares

    dropping item animation

    I think this post is in the right thread topic, I want my character to drop a certain item for the cutscene. Drop the item like while walking in the market not in battle can someone please help me? google is not helping me I guess I'm the only one interested in this. Thanks in advance
  18. Nelsares

    Hello everyone!

    Awwww guys! I can't put in words how touched I am with your kindness :) I'm going to keep in mind everything that you have said. I'm sure I'm going to enjoy doing projects and interacting with you because you guys are very kind. Pardon my english not my native language :) good day to all of you.
  19. Nelsares

    Hello everyone!

    I'm new to rpgmaker community as well as the software so I'm afraid I can't help you in anything but I'm happy to listen to your advice, read your suggested sites, etc.