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  1. albert-youkay

    few problems\bugs whit items menu

    ho hey, need a bit support for undestand why the (whit yafy item_core and whitout) gave error screen if use a item (in that case a heal potion) i have the 1.27 of the item core of yafy. if need know it thanks
  2. albert-youkay


    whoa, look great as recolor, in particolar way the inbody stones
  3. albert-youkay

    Party Passive Skill

    Maybe it might help yanfly plugins, there may be a core skill plaugin that allows that
  4. albert-youkay

    Underwater Tilesets

    no bad, if i can say but if can just give a tip add more underwater variant colors i not know ... like dritty water underwater or like well have fun :3
  5. albert-youkay

    Igloo for Camp tiles

    look great, man
  6. albert-youkay

    Igloo for Camp tiles

    no bad pal
  7. albert-youkay

    Camp Tiles By Jodis

    i mean snow cover, but it's ok ... maybe i will edit that and give you the snow cover version in private
  8. albert-youkay

    Camp Tiles By Jodis

    whoa, look great jodis, but how about also snow cover version?
  9. albert-youkay

    Tileset Swamp tiles

    well, is not much stuff but i must add few stuff. yhea i accuraly work for made separete set for the dungeons
  10. albert-youkay

    Tileset Swamp tiles

    i gree, whatewer i kida edit your swamp tiles... well for made few of "different type" of swamp. well wen i am done i will give a sample about.
  11. albert-youkay

    Tileset Swamp tiles

    well , is just a toxic swamps, full of swamp monsters... end...
  12. albert-youkay

    Tileset Swamp tiles

    remid me lot the farron swamp of dark souls 3
  13. albert-youkay

    Tileset Swamp tiles

    i mean use the "comand" bush in the database >tilesets
  14. albert-youkay

    hello (because Account Setup request)

    I have not much to say except that I'm working some tile editable... i dunno here a example of what i mean... free use in any way
  15. albert-youkay

    Tileset Swamp tiles

    If I can suggest some variants bout swamp: flooded \ poisonous (clasic swamp idea, so much water on the ground, it would be ideal to add the effect bush to give the idea that you are walks in the mud ... Classic American swamps) in that rpg maker xv to be usefull as referiment Marsh Cave...
  16. albert-youkay

    Swamp WorldMap A1 (For Reference Only)

    maybe i come a bit later, how about a swamp cave tleset? if possible i mean...