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Search results

  1. DolorIpsum

    "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" Event

    Hello again everyone. I'm terribly sorry for being away for so long. Even though there was only one entry, I am glad to have hosted this event and hope to host another one in the somewhat-near future. There shall be no stream sadly, but I do hope to have some plans for other videos/streams in...
  2. DolorIpsum

    "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" Event

    Hello again everyone! Less than 5 hours left until the event is over! Here is a notice for all who plan to enter: this deadline refers to when prizes will no longer be given to further applicants. Submissions given in late will not receive prizes, but may possibly be played in a stream...
  3. DolorIpsum

    "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" Event

    Hey everyone! Just a little more than two days left until the event is over! I wish the best for everyone still planning to enter a game since I know this month has been quite busy for a number of people, myself included. Good luck y'all!
  4. DolorIpsum

    "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" Event

    @MinisterJay Great! I'm saving up my first-time reactions for the potential stream after all the entries come in, but I bet your game will certainly be full of demise. The suggestion sounds good and I'll be sure to put that info on the beginning post shortly. Also thanks for the giving a update...
  5. DolorIpsum

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    Thanks to the ton of work I've gotten, I won't have any time to finish for this contest. But I think the whole story idea the contest made is a really interesting one and I'll be sure to work on my game later on during my free time. Good luck to everyone participating!
  6. DolorIpsum

    Yokai Watch Wibble Wobble might be taking over my life.

    Yokai Watch Wibble Wobble might be taking over my life.
  7. DolorIpsum

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    I'd probably need the extra week, but if schoolwork continues like it has for the last 2 weeks, I just might not send in an entry
  8. DolorIpsum

    Request: How do I add text to the map?

    Ah okay, kinda like the scene when you first enter Cherrygrove City in Pokemon HGSS. I think I have a somewhat simpler way of making that work. Once the player enters the town, either have a player touch event or autorun event, depending on what you want, for the event. In that event set the...
  9. DolorIpsum

    Request: How do I add text to the map?

    Could you give a clearer example of what you want? I think I might be able to figure out a simpler way of doing this, but I'm a little confused as to what you specifically want to happen.
  10. DolorIpsum

    Respawn Player help

    Not sure if this may work, but you could possibly use variables and a choice+conditional branch list to create this effect. Whenever the player enters a town or reaches a checkpoint, have a variable hold the map id of said town or checkpoint and an additional variable holding the player's...
  11. DolorIpsum

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    I am! Working my hardest on it.
  12. DolorIpsum

    PandaMaru is currently taking a break from RPG Maker. Currently, all you need to do is give...

    PandaMaru is currently taking a break from RPG Maker. Currently, all you need to do is give credit to her and you can use her resources for both free and commercial games.
  13. DolorIpsum

    Space Age

    Interesting project, kinda reminds me of Lisa. Was the Lisa series an inspiration for you at one point or another? I like the look of your simplistic graphics. Good luck with your project!
  14. DolorIpsum

    Badge Making Contest

    Gimp is a free art program you can download that can open PSD files
  15. DolorIpsum

    Ask the FANGirl Any~Thing

    Oh cool, I heard of that one but never watched or read it. And again I've fallen for a trap, I honestly thought he was a she xD
  16. DolorIpsum

    Ask the FANGirl Any~Thing

    Where's your icon from? If it's from some sort of media like a game or show, then why do you like that game/show/etc...?
  17. DolorIpsum

    Ask Dolor Anything and Everything!

    Oh geez, I almost forgot about this. Whoops Pretty good. Once you figure out how the strokes will usually turn out and how wide they can get to be, it's pretty handy and easy to use. Probably Whimsicott cause it looks so soft!
  18. DolorIpsum

    "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" Event

    XD Oh jeez, how could I forget Chaos Wars! I'll add to that to the list right now. Thanks for your interest. I'd love to see what you can come up with.
  19. DolorIpsum

    "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" Event

    I wasn't fully aware of this. Thank you for stating this, I'll be sure to edit my reply to Cosmette and add this to the beginning post. XD I've already seen this and still love how annoying it easily gets. This game's actually in the playlist under game inspirations and most certainly deserves...
  20. DolorIpsum

    "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" Event

    I never heard of those before, kinda tempted to play them if they have english translations. Yes, let it begin! Thank you for your interest! No worries, you've got a whole month to decide.