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  1. Sirina

    partymembers gathering around your main char?

    roger, thats the question*gg* sorry.. bad english:).. good german so be pacient :).. writing is not my best side of english, understand more than i can write :)
  2. Sirina

    partymembers gathering around your main char?

    partymembers are 4 (beginning 1 the rest 3 perosns coming step by step as the story goes on, but only 4 Main chars no extra chars in the party) .. cosmetic purpose... for events like meeting a boss people step out of main char then dialog and then back in . example : hero meets the event...
  3. Sirina

    Hello RPG makers!

    Dito and Hi , pretty new to working in right now and trying to get some Base infos to :)
  4. Sirina

    partymembers gathering around your main char?

    Hi, could someone explaine me, how i can gather my Partymembers around me in a event? Like partymemberss are stepping out of you and group around you, or just 1 Partymember.. tired already some, but somehow it doesnt really work:(
  5. Sirina

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    looks nice
  6. Sirina

    hi to all RPG Maker MV´s

    well actually, no had the first one trial version.. but long time ago ( please excuse my bad writing normaly german) but now bought me the new one and finally want to do my story now, got it finished since 10 jeahrs now :)... finally got started:)... so now im getting in to the program and...
  7. Sirina

    hi to all RPG Maker MV´s

    well how do i start? my name is Sirina and, well about a Month ago i bought RPG Maker MV + Essencial Pack and the other DLC. Im more of a writer ( scripter) then of a Designer:(.. well im doing my Best to Design to, but my Story takes more than just a little Time ^^. läter on i can post 1-2...