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  1. David Lister

    How does one measure the contribution of an individual to a community? Quantity? Quality? Both...

    How does one measure the contribution of an individual to a community? Quantity? Quality? Both? And by what set of metrics?
  2. David Lister

    Take the road less traveled. You'll be glad you did.

    Take the road less traveled. You'll be glad you did.
  3. David Lister

    Resource Team Roles - Brainstorming & Discussion

    I applied to the Music Team last week. However, it seems I do not qualify. There is a new rule that requires that a staff member have at least 100 posts to be considered for the RT.
  4. David Lister

    "I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of is...

    "I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of is changing is oneself." -- Aldous Huxley
  5. David Lister

    Looks like something finally came my way!

    Congratulations @Ravani Lestari!! Kisareth Studios certainly has a track record of publishing games on Steam. I assume you'll be drawing for the Chronicles series.
  6. David Lister

    AMA - Mr. Lister

    My favorite musical genre is Classical with Film Scores being a close second. When you think Classical, don't think Bach, Mozart and Beethoven, however. I was raised on that music. And while it is masterful work, what got me into Classical music was Russian composers like Stravinsky and...
  7. David Lister

    AMA EvilChibi

    What does your therapist think about you possibly being "much worse" than the "Spawn of Satan" as well as being the "roooooooodest person"?
  8. David Lister

    AMA - Mr. Lister

    Let's just say I'm better at cookin' up tunes. (i.e. I can't cook. I leave that up to my wife - she's an amazing cook!) Yes.
  9. David Lister

    Everyone should have a good therapist.

    Everyone should have a good therapist.
  10. David Lister

    AMA - Mr. Lister

    My Dad and I used to play chess all the time. After high school I hadn't played it in years... ...until I decided to break out Dad's old chess board and teach my son. My son taught my daughter and now they both play against each other.
  11. David Lister

    AMA - Mr. Lister

    My favorite stringed instrument would probably have to be the cello. It sounds so beautiful all by itself or with an ensemble. I also like the violin, but it can't beat the rich tone of the cello. As an honorable mention for a non-western instrument, I also like the (Japanese) Koto.
  12. David Lister

    AMA - Mr. Lister

    @Companion Wulf Thanks for asking. I'm an absolutely unapologetic wine snob, so my favorite times are with best friends sipping great vino. I have an amazing (and gorgeous) wife that I actually like spending time with - imagine that!! So we're two peas in a pod when we can ditch the kiddo's...
  13. David Lister

    Ask Sinnistar....ANYTHING O.O

    If you were marooned on an island, but you could select a favorite meal, beverage, game, album and movie to take with you, what would they be?
  14. David Lister

    It's Friday and I'm an unapologetic wine snob. Open the second bottle, friends...

    It's Friday and I'm an unapologetic wine snob. Open the second bottle, friends...
  15. David Lister

    Ask Biz anything!

    Hey Biz, I couldn't help but notice the quote below your name - "I shall be glorious!" (I like it, though I do hear it in Stuart Smalley 'Daily Affirmation' kind of way.) So what's preventing you from being glorious now and what steps will you take to become so?
  16. David Lister

    Post your music!

    Looks like it's been a month since there's been a post here. What about some of us sharing our earliest works - the ones that humble us? (tongue)
  17. David Lister

    Zeb's AMA thread

    Do you use a template in your DAW? ...and if so, can you post a screen shot of it?
  18. David Lister

    AMA - Mr. Lister

    Hey, ask me anything! It might be helpful to know that, while I don't make games, I do write music for them. Every good story deserves a unique, musical identity!
  19. David Lister

    Croc's AMA

    If you could afford it, what mic would you purchase to get the best quality out of your voice acting?
  20. David Lister

    "If you can live without music for two or three days, then don't write – it might be better to...

    "If you can live without music for two or three days, then don't write – it might be better to spend the time with a girl or with a beer."