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Search results

  1. Drkvixn

    Gold-Rustic Fantasy Window Skin Collection 3

    Drkvixn submitted a new resource: Gold-Rustic Fantasy Window Skin Collection 3 - A collection of three window skins with gold frames and light paper textures. Read more about this resource...
  2. Drkvixn

    RPG Maker Gold-Rustic Fantasy Window Skin Collection 3 2016-01-08

    I'm back! And with more window skins for your UI to enjoy. The last of three collections, all featuring gold frames and paper textures with a muted colour scheme. The three skins included in this collection use the same frame with different textures, and arrowhead arrows. The frame was...
  3. Drkvixn

    Gold-Rustic Fantasy Window Skin Collection 2

    Drkvixn submitted a new resource: Gold-Rustic Fantasy Window Skin Collection 2 - A collection of three window skins with gold frames and light paper textures. Read more about this resource...
  4. Drkvixn

    RPG Maker Gold-Rustic Fantasy Window Skin Collection 2 2016-01-08

    I'm back! And with more window skins for your UI to enjoy. The second of three collections, all featuring gold frames and paper textures with a muted colour scheme. The three skins included in this collection use the same frame with different textures, and arrowhead arrows. The frame was...
  5. Drkvixn

    Gold-Rustic Fantasy Window Skin Collection 1

    Drkvixn submitted a new resource: Gold-Rustic Fantasy Window Skin Collection 1 - A collection of three window skins with gold frames and light paper textures. Read more about this resource...
  6. Drkvixn

    RPG Maker Gold-Rustic Fantasy Window Skin Collection 1 2016-01-08

    I'm back! And with more window skins for your UI to enjoy. The first of three collections, all featuring gold frames and paper textures with a muted colour scheme. The three skins included in this collection use the same frame with different textures, and arrowhead arrows. The frame was...
  7. Drkvixn

    Time for some sprite design and- ...Oh dear...

    Certainly an idea. Because you're right, I don't really want to waste all my time struggling with this so early in the piece.
  8. Drkvixn

    Time for some sprite design and- ...Oh dear...

    Decided to do some sprite design for my project and got partway through before realising... there is now a thing called side view battlers... So doomed... Walking and even damage sprites are okay but those battler sprites are making the process four times harder! Getting my characters ponytail...
  9. Drkvixn


    Cool! I want to try my hand at icons at some point. It's another thing that hasn't been shared a lot so making your own is almost the only option aside from using the default or the ones resized from VX Ace.
  10. Drkvixn

    Hello from Amsterdam

    Hi! Hope you have fun here, and find everything you need. =)
  11. Drkvixn

    the fashion police has arrived weeoo weeoo

    I like the colour black. And bats. Throw some chibi pumpkins in and you've got yourself a deal. XD I understand how you feel, procrastinating with your project. I've had one I've been working on for a few years and there really is no reason for how little I've done (except writing can be hard...
  12. Drkvixn


    Welcome fellow newbie! Best of luck with whatever your project is, I hope the forums can help you out. =)
  13. Drkvixn

    Woot! Uploaded my first resource!

    Woot! Uploaded my first resource!
  14. Drkvixn

    Window Skin (Gold Rustic)

    Drkvixn submitted a new resource: Window Skin (Gold Rustic) - Just a standard window skin edit with an embossed gold frame and somewhat rustic colouring. Read more about this resource...
  15. Drkvixn

    RPG Maker Window Skin (Gold Rustic) 2016-01-05

    First time playing around with the window skins and, since I don't see a lot of window skins out there, decided I would share the end result with everyone! Nothing super special yet, just edited the base MV skin in Photoshop. Feel free to use for whatever. No need to link back to me...
  16. Drkvixn


    Wow, thanks everyone, it's nice to meet all of you! Everybody here is so nice. =) Anything to do with the art side of things is going to be the easier one for me. XD I'm used to using image editing software and drawing so they come naturally now. It's the technical side of things that are going...
  17. Drkvixn


    ...Hello fellow RPG makers! I'm new here (to both the site and RPG Maker) and just though I'd say hi. I'll admit learning to use all the little bits and pieces in MV is quite the challenge (finally learned today how to do some Parallax mapping! Yay me!). Still I'm enjoying learning about it...