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  1. SkywardRiver

    Life Forge [WIP]

    Hey guys! The big moment is here! We're announcing the date for the elusive play-test we've been hyping for almost a month now! December 23rd! We can't wait to have you all online and playing Life Forge with us! With this release time, we're also packing another Event similar to our Halloween...
  2. SkywardRiver

    Life Forge on Steam Greenlight!

    Hey guys! Earlier I posted a link to Life Forge Kickstarter and it's been 200% backed on day two! We've just put the game up on steam Greenlight and we would really appreciate any and all Upvotes! Thanks a ton! Bump bump!
  3. SkywardRiver

    Life Forge Kickstarter

    (Hope I'm in the right section for this, if not, please move) Life Forge ORPG is now on Kickstarter! Any and all support is appreciated! Life Forge Thread: CLICK ME ~Life Forge Team
  4. SkywardRiver

    Life Forge [WIP]

    Hey thanks! And not quite yet. I'm hoping to release a demo of sorts on the 22nd for about a week of server uptime. This will include a Christmas event :D
  5. SkywardRiver

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Pretty hung-over today so I didn't get too much done. Got some more work on the Duskin Desert done though. The Oasis is just off screen here.
  6. SkywardRiver

    Life Forge [WIP]

    ~Armistin~ The Desert dwelling of Armistin, home to the Ember Knights, is being worked on extensively. This is the second settlement in Life Forge, and as such, it's gonna be very important. And for those of you who wanted to know, this is what an Ember Knight looks like: Hey guys! So for...
  7. SkywardRiver

    Show off your mapping skills

    Part of the Desert Village of Armistin
  8. SkywardRiver

    Life Forge [WIP]

    Life Forge is an ORPG designed to be what you make of it. The story is simple, you are found unconscious along a shore line by an elderly man who leads you to his home for shelter. There, the player soon realizes they have no memories, of course and the world in Life Forge is all new to them...
  9. SkywardRiver

    Fellow non-scripters, tell me why...

    I'm actually a fairly adept programmer. Used to make my living off of it haha. The thing that gets me is JavaScript. I hate it. If we had some C# up in here I'd be all over that. JavaScript to me is just overly tedious to a point where I simply do not wish to learn it's entire Syntax. I know...
  10. SkywardRiver

    First parallax map

    Looks good, but why did you feel the need to parallax these? Looks like it could've been made easier in the build in editor. Perhaps I'm missing something here haha.
  11. SkywardRiver

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Well after an extended absence I took off to work on my 3D Open World RPG project, I'm coming back for a few days to work on the ol' RM project. Today I've just been tweaking story elements, as well as plotting out more chapters. I've also (having recently been going through a play of FFIX...
  12. SkywardRiver

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I hear that man lol. I'm working on a 3D Voxel-based RPG, a Fire Emblem Clone in Unity (for practice), my own 2D ORPG, and this MV RPG haha. Then I gotta balance social life with work. Tough stuff lol
  13. SkywardRiver

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Continuing work on Chapter 1 today. I work for basically the rest of the week so I probably won't be able to get much else done, but I'll try lol
  14. SkywardRiver

    Krysala: Birth (Demo Available)

    Oh in that case, awesome lol. Haven't read up on the project yet, just saw the latest post and was like oh someone should make sure xD Looking forward to more bios :D
  15. SkywardRiver

    Krysala: Birth (Demo Available)

    Not sure if intentional or not, but just letting you know that Alderaan (I'm pretty sure it's even spelled the same) is a planet in the Star Wars universe. A rather important one as well I'm told. Just something letting you know in case ya wanted to rename it haha
  16. SkywardRiver

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Today I "finished" the Prologue. About half an hour of gameplay, finished by one of the most important scenes in the entire story. I say "finished" because I know I'ma go beef it up eventually lol. Tweaking things and adding more flavour text or editing maps ect ect. We'll see haha.
  17. SkywardRiver

    Coming into the community

    Welcome to the forums :D
  18. SkywardRiver

    Eternal Nights (Demo)

    I'll just be writing down what I think as I'm playing through the demo: 1. Meilia is in my party before I find her at the Inn. 2. Your mapping could use a bit of work. Mixing tilesets like that is kind of immersion shattering, but maybe that's just me. 3. Those Demon Guard could use some varied...
  19. SkywardRiver

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Continuing work on the Prologue to Act 1. I'm beginning to set times so I can figure out work to play time ratio. Right now, with 10 hours into game dev, I have about a half hour of gameplay. loool. Those ten hours though also consist of programming and graphics work, though both areas will...
  20. SkywardRiver

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Spent most of the day out of the house, today, but I did get a chance to get some stuff done. Namely Character Development, which may not seem like much but considering I have 12 playable characters so far in Act 1 planned it's pretty important. I also created a system with which to remove all...